
芝加哥太阳报 | 小贴士:你果真饿了?

芝加哥太阳报 | 小贴士:你果真饿了?

译者 doctorzark

The next time you want to grab a snack, reach for a glass instead. You may think you're hungry, but you may just be thirsty. Thirst sometimes mimics hunger. And since water is calorie free, choose it instead of another high-calorie drink.


"Water composes more than two-thirds of your weight, so it makes sense that staying hydrated is important to your health," says Mary Dea, internal medicine physician with Edward Medical Group. "From head to toe, your body craves and needs water."

内科医师 Mary Dea说道:"水占了人体重量的三分之二还要多,所以保持摄水量对健康来说很重要。你的全身上下每个细胞都在渴求水分的滋养。"

Dr. Dea shares why water is so beneficial to the body:


Joints. Water is needed to take care of all your joints and sensitive tissues. It lubricates and cushions your joints, helping prevent arthritis and delaying wear and tear.


The digestive system. Water is the basis of saliva, which aids in digestion and helps you fight infection. In the digestive tract, water helps the body deliver and absorb nutrients you need and then moves waste out of your body. Without enough water, organs can't function correctly. For example, a dehydrated colon will produce hard stool, which may result in bloating and constipation.


Body temperature. Without water, your body wouldn't be able to regulate its temperature, and your systems would go haywire. Perspiration, largely composed of water, allows your body to cool down efficiently.


Skin. The easiest way to improve the appearance and health of your body's biggest organ is to drink more water! Water hydrates your skin cells, reduces blotchiness and flushes out toxins like bad bacteria, chemicals and other environmental pollutants ― making your skin soft and more resistant to wrinkles.


So am I getting enough? There's a simple way to figure it out. When properly hydrated, your urine should be colorless or light yellow. If it's closer to orange, you may need to up your water intake.


Water does a body good. There's no doubt about it ― drinking water will pay off for your long-term health, especially when supplemented with a nutritious diet. Meet with your health care provider to talk more about your eating and drinking habits. By making sure you get the water and nutrients you need, you'll help ensure a healthy future for your body.





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