
Bashar - 创造四法则,行为动机和人生目标

Bashar - 创造四法则,行为动机和人生目标
爱人的心 [http://1023436929.qzone.qq.com]
There are really only four laws in creation that allow you to experience everything that you have experienced. 

Law Number one is that you exist. Can't do much about that. 

Now when we talk first of all about laws, we are not talking about the type of laws that you have on your plant. That are, in that sense, arbitrary rules and regulations that can be broken or changed or written or ignore. But the idea is even beyond what many have you called laws of physics, because even some of these are only jermaine to【1】 your particular universe or reality, and in other dimensions many of the so-called laws that you have labelled not really apply. We are talking about real laws because real laws cannot be broken, cannot be broken. It is impossible, and it is the four laws that give the structure to all of creation. 
现在,当我们谈到法则,首先要说的是,我们所谈论的不是那些你们星球上所拥有的那些法则。那些法则从某 种意义上来说是,具有任意性的规则,可以被打破,修改,重写或者忽视。但是,即使是在其之上,你们所说的物理定律,只能适用于【1:可能是听错,找不到恰 当翻译,按照上下文理解】你们特定的宇宙或者实相,而在其他维度里,这些你们所谓的法则是不适用的。我们所讨论的是真正的法则,因为真正的法则,不可打 破,不会被打破。这不可能。这四个法则,是全部创造的基石。

So as we have said, law number one, you exist, and what that actually means when taken out with ultimate logical understanding, is that if you exist now, you always will and you always have. Therefore you may change form but you will always exist in some way, shape or form. Because isness is the only quality that existence has. It does not know how to become non-existence. Non-existence is already full of all the things that would never exist and there is no rule in non-existence for that which does exist. That which exists only has one quality, to be, and thus that is the only thing it will always be. So if you do exist, you always will. So relax.
因此,如我们所说,法则一,你存在,而这实际上意味着,按照这种终极的逻辑来理解, 如果你现在存在,那么你将永远存在,你过去也一直存在着。于是,你可以改变形态,但是你总是一某种形式或者状态存在着的。 因为"是"是存在的唯一属性。它不知道怎么变成"不存在"。"不存在"已经包含了所有从不存在的东西。存在只有一个属性,就是存在,所以这就将会存在所一 直拥有的唯一的东西。因此,如果你存在,你将永远存在。所以,放轻松。

So law number two, the one who is the all and the all are the one, and this simply means that all of the pieces together form the One and the one is the one but knows itself simultaneously as all the pieces. What this means is that creation is not separate from the creator but is made of the creator and that there is no outside to it. Everything that is a very discrete, person, place, thing, every discrete concept, every discrete part is a part of one same whole and also holographically, every single part is the whole expressing itself as a part of the whole. So the second law the one is all the all on one. 
法则二,"一"就是所有,所有就是 "一",这意味着,所有部分一起成为了"一",并且"一"就是"一"但是同时将自己看作是所有部分。这就是说,创造不是与创造者分离的,而是由创造者所组 成的,在创造之外没有任何东西。每一个东西都是独立的,每一个人,每一个地方,每一个物体,每一个单独的概念,每一个独立的部分都是同样的整体"一"的一 部分,并且每一个个体都是它自己作为"一"的一部分的全息表达。因此,法则二,,"一"就是所有,所有就是"一"。

Law three: what you put out is what you get back. Very simple. The energy you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behaviours, the vibrational frequency you give off is what determines the kind of reality experience you have, because physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you strongly believe is true for you. That is all physical reality is. It is literally like a mirror. If you are looking in a mirror and you see your face with a frown on it. You know that you don't go over to the mirror and try to force the reflections to smile. You know that if you wanna see the reflection smiled you must smile first. There is no way to change the reflection without you smiling first, but you could also conversely understand that when you decide to smile the reflection has no choice but returned the smile because it doesn't have a mind of its own. So the idea is understand the physical reality very much is really like the mirror. It will not change until you do first, but if you do it has no choice but to follow suit because it is only a reflection of what you have put out.
法 则三:你给出什么,你就得到什么。非常简单。你根据你的信念,你的情感,你的行为所散发出的能量,这种你所散发出的振动频率,决定了你所经历什么样的实 相,因为物质实相是不存在的,除了它只是一个镜像,作为你们所强烈认为对你们来说什么是真实的这个信念的反映。这就是所谓物质实相。它是一面名副其实的镜 子。如果你照镜子,看见镜子里的你愁眉苦脸。你知道,你不可能到镜子里面去,将那张脸拧出笑容。你知道如果你想要看到那张脸笑起来,你必须先笑。如果你不 笑,那镜像也不可能笑,但你也可以反过来理解,当你决定要笑的时候,那镜像便毫无选择,只能回应以笑容,因为它没有自己的思想。因此,请理解物质实相和镜 子非常相似。它不会改变除非你先改变,但是如果你一旦做出了改变,它毫无选择,只能跟着变,它只是你所散发出能量的镜像。

Law number four: Change is the only constant and everything changes except the first three laws. That is it. 1,2,3,4. That's it. Every experience you have ever had, are having now or will ever have, is based on a combination of these four laws to varying degrees. That's it.

Now the idea to understand, again, is that when you allow yourself to make choices, then your choices are based on your motivation, and your motivation is based on your definition. This is the other way to explain the three processes. Your behaviour, your choices are based on your motivations, your emotions which extend from your definitions which are your beliefs. So anytime you are making a choice, it is always because you have been motivated to make that choice. 
现在,请理解,当你们做选择的时 候,你们的选择是基于你们的动机,你们的动机是基于你们的定义。这是解释"三个过程"的另一种方式。你们的行为,你们的选择,是基于你们的动机,你们的情 感,而你们的情感是你们的定义和信念的延伸。因此,你们在任何做决定的时候,总是有有动机的。
Motivation only has two parts to it, this is all there is to motivation. You will always in every single case, you will always choose what you perceived to be the choice that is closest to pleasure and furtherest from pain. That's it. That is your entire motivational forced. But notice I said you will choose what you perceive to be closest the pleasure and furtherest from pain, and that's what definitions come in because only as you define what you believed to be pleasurable or painful will you then be motivated to make choices in accordance to that belief. 
动机有两部 分,就这两部分。在每一个单独的选择里,你们总是会选择那一个你们觉得最靠近快乐而最远离痛苦的那个选项。就这个。那就是你们整个动机所在。但是请注意, 我说你们将会选择你们觉得最接近欢乐,最远离痛苦的选择,这里就是你们信念的切入点,因为只有你们已经定义了什么是快乐,什么是痛苦后,你们才会有按照那 种信念去选择的动机。

For many times you may choose things that on one level, you could say, seem to be detrimental or destructive to you, but if you keep choosing it, that simply means that you must have a definition your belief system where that said that regardless of how painful it is to keep choosing that, you are somehow defining it as being less painful than making any other choice. That's why it is so powerful to get in touch with what your belief systems are, because when you find out why you may be defining something as pleasurable or painful, and you change the definition, you will instantly change your motivation and you will instantly change the choices that you make because you're all motivated people. None if you lack motivation. None of you lack trust. It's just a matter of where you are placing your trust and what definition you are motivated to act upon. 
在一个层 面上,你们也许会多次选择那些,按照你们的话来说,对你们不利的或者具有毁灭性的选项,但是如果你一直在选择它,那就意味着在你的信念系统里,一定有一个 定义在说,无论这个选项是多么的痛苦,它总是相比之下比其他选项痛苦更轻的那个。那就是为什么,去探究你们的信仰系统所带来的强大力量。当你们找出你们为 什么定义某些东西是快乐的或者痛苦的,然后去改变这个定义,你们会立刻改变你们的动机,立刻改变你们的要做的选择,因为你们全都是动机驱动的人。没有人是 没有动机的。没有人是没有信任的。问题就在于你们将你们的信任放在那里,你们作为行为准则的动机的定义是什么。


Many of you focus on the idea of careers, goals, achievements, purpose. What is my mission in life; What is my purpose; When will it lead to this; When will it lead to that; How it will bring the abundance; How would I do this; How would that support it? 

You only have one purpose. All of you, you have the same purpose, different but the same. Your only purpose is to be who you are to the best that you can be because you are unique. You have never been this before. You will never be this again. This you only has one life to live. Therefore your purpose, your mission, your goal is to be this you in the best possible way you can. You know how to do it. That's it. That's your mission. That's your purpose. That's your goal. That's it! So take the weight off your shoulders, all of you! You have no other mission, no other purpose, no other goal. That's it. Just to be you, that's it. 
你 只有一个目的。你们全部,都有相同的目的,殊途同归。你们唯一的目的就是尽力去做好你们自己,因为你们都是独一无二的。你们从来没有这样过。你们以后也不 再会是这样了。你们只有这一次这样的生命。所以,你们的目的,你们的使命,你们的目标就是尽你们可能去成为你们自己,你们知道怎么去做。就是它。那就是你 们的任务,你们的目的,你们的目标。就是这个。因此,卸下你们肩上的沉重负担,所有你们,你们没有别的任务,没有别的目的,没有别的目标。就只有这一件 事。做好你们自己。就这么多。

Now, what you call projects, careers, goals, achievements, these are your chosen methods of expressing the goal of being yourself, but they are not the goal. They are not the mission. They are not the purpose. You are the mission, to just be you. However you choose to express that is up to you.  We suggest that you choose to express in the way you believe is most harmoniously, allied and representative with the joy of who you are. But those things you do are not the goals. 
现在,那些你们所称之为的各种计划,不同职 业,种种目标,各种成就,这些统统都是你们为了表达"成为你们自己"这个目标所选择的不同方法而已。但是,它们不是目标,不是使命,不是目的。你就是使 命,仅仅去成为你们自己就是使命。怎么选择去表达取决于你们自己。我们建议你们选择你们所相信的最和谐,与成为你们自己所带来的快乐,最共鸣,最据代表性 的方式来表达它。但是这些种种表达都不是你们的目的。





  头皮屑:全面了解原因和解决方案 1  帖子原文  George Ferman🚀 @Helios_Movement https://x.com/Helios_Movement/status/1780859183438479696 https://fitandball.gumr...

