【言谈录】冥想没有起点,因而也 没有终点 2014-02-25 克里希那穆提冥思坊
Meditation is not the repetition of the word, nor the experiencing of a vision, nor the cultivating of silence. The bead and the word do quieten the chattering mind, but this is a form of self-hypnosis. You might as well take a pill. 冥想不是重复词句,不是体验到某种景 象,也不是培养寂静。念珠和词句确实能 让喋喋不休的心安静下来,但这只是一种 自我催眠的形式。你还不如去吃颗药。
Meditation is not wrapping yourself in a pattern of thought, in the enchantment of pleasure. Meditation has no beginning, and therefore it has no end. 冥想不是把你自己包裹在一种思维模式 里,包裹在令人陶醉的快乐里。冥想没有 起点,因而也没有终点。
If you say: "I will begin today to control my thoughts, to sit quietly in the meditative posture, to breathe regularly" - then you are caught in the tricks with which one deceives oneself. Meditation is not a matter of being absorbed in some grandiose idea or image: that only quietens one for the moment, as a child absorbed by a toy is for the time being quiet. But as soon as the toy ceases to be of interest, the restlessness and the mischief begin again. Meditation is not the pursuit of an invisible path leading to some imagined bliss. The meditative mind is seeing - watching, listening, without the word, without comment, without opinion - attentive to the movement of life in all its relationships throughout the day. And at night, when the whole organism is at rest, the meditative mind has no dreams for it has been awake all day. It is only the indolent who have dreams; only the half-asleep who need the intimation of their own states. But as the mind watches, listens to the movement of life, the outer and the inner, to such a mind comes a silence that is not put together by thought. 如果你说:"我从今天开始控制我的思想, 以冥想的姿势安静地坐着,均匀地呼 吸"――那么你就陷入了自欺的把戏中。冥 想不是专心致志于某种宏伟的想法或形 象:那只能让人暂时安静下来,就像一个 孩子被玩具吸引着暂时安静一会儿。但是 一旦对玩具失去了兴趣,就又开始坐立不 安和调皮捣蛋了。冥想不是寻找一条可见 的通向想象中的某种至福的道路。冥想的 心是看到――是没有语言、没有评价、没 有观点地观察、聆听――一整天都全神贯 注于身处各种关系中的生命的运动。那么 到了晚上,当整个有机体休息时,冥想的 心不会有梦,因为它整天都是清醒的。只 有怠惰的心才会做梦;只有半睡半醒的心 才需要暗示它们自己的状态。但是当心灵 观察、倾听了生命内在和外在的运动,一 种并非由思想拼凑出的寂静就会降临这样 的一颗心。
It is not a silence which the observer can experience. If he does experience it and recognise it, it is no longer silence. The silence of the meditative mind is not within the borders of recognition, for this silence has no frontier. There is only silence - in which the space of division ceases. 这不是观察者能体验的一种寂静。如果他 确实体验到了并且认了出来,那就不再是 寂静了。冥想的心的寂静不在认知的领域 内,因为这种寂静没有边界。只有寂静 ――其中分别的空间止息了。
The hills were being carried by the clouds and the rain was polishing the rocks, big boulders that were scattered over the hills. There was a streak of black in the grey granite, and that morning this dark basalt rock was being washed by the rain and was becoming blacker. 群山被云层覆盖着,大雨正打磨着山石, 那些散布在山间的圆形巨石。灰色的花岗 岩中流淌着一条黑色的水流,而那天早晨 这块黑色的玄武岩被雨水冲涮着,变得更 黑了。
The ponds were filling up and the frogs were making deep-throated noises. A whole group of parrots was coming in from the fields for shelter and the monkeys were scrambling up the trees, and the red earth became darker. 池塘的水涨满了,青蛙发出低沉的鸣叫 声。一大群鹦鹉从田地里飞过来寻找庇 护,猴子们争相爬到树上,土地的红色变 得更深了。
There is a peculiar silence when it rains, and that morning in the valley all the noises seemed to have stopped - the noises of the farm, the tractor and the chopping of wood. There was only the dripping from the roof, and the gutters were gurgling. 下雨的时候有种特别的寂静,那天早晨山 谷里所有的喧嚣――农场、拖拉机和伐木 的声音似乎都停了下来。只有雨水从屋檐 落下的滴答声和天沟里汩汩的排水声。
It was quite extraordinary to feel the rain on one, to get wet to the skin, and to feel the earth and the trees receive the rain with great delight; for it hadn't rained for some time, and now the little cracks in the earth were closing up. The noises of themany birds were made still by the rain; the clouds were coming in from the east, dark, heavily laden, and were being drawn towards the west; the hills were being carried by them, and the smell of the earth was spreading into every corner. All day it rained. 感受雨点打在身上,浸透到肌肤,感受着 土地和树木无比欣喜地迎接着雨水,这感 觉非常奇妙;因为有些时间没下雨了,现 在土地上的小裂缝正合拢起来。鸟儿们嘈 杂的叫声在雨中变得寂静;云层从东方而 来,乌黑厚重,正涌向西方;群山被它们 覆盖,泥土的气味弥漫在每个角落。雨下 了一整天。
And in the stillness of the night the owls hooted to each other across the valley. 在夜晚的寂静中,猫头鹰穿越山谷彼此呼 唤着。
The Only Revolution, India, Part 3 《唯一的革命》 印度 第三篇
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