

【言谈录】超越孤独 2014-02-26 克里希那穆提冥思坊

照片:英国布洛克伍德公园学校的男生宿 舍

If you have ever inquired very deeply into yourself, you are bound to have come upon that state which we call loneliness, a sense of complete isolation, of not being related. As a human being, you must at some time have felt that desperate, agonizing, despairing sense of isolation, from which consciously or unconsciously we are always running away. In our flight from the reality of that extraordinary sense of loneliness, we are driven, are we not, by a deep urge that is everlastingly seeking fulfilment through books, through music, through work and activity, through position, power, prestige. 如果你曾深刻地探寻过自我,你必定遇到 过这样一种我们称之为"孤独"的状态――一种完全被隔绝的感觉、一种没有任何联 系的感觉。作为一个人,你一定有时会体 验那种由孤立所带来的绝望、痛苦、无望 的感觉,而我们总是有意识或无意识地逃 离这些。在我们逃离这种不一般的孤独感 之现实时,我们永远被一种从书中、从音 乐中、从工作和活动中、从地位、权力和 声望中寻求成就感的冲动所驱使,难道不 是吗?

If at any time you have felt that sense of utter loneliness; or if you have ever consciously, deliberately allowed yourself to be aware of it, you will know that you immediately want to run away, to escape from it. You go to the temple, worship a God, plunge into perpetual activity, talk everlastingly, explain things away, or turn on the radio. We all do this, as we well know if we are at all conscious of ourselves. 如果任何时候你感觉到这种彻底的孤独 感,或是如果有意识地、有意让你自己去 觉察这种孤独感,你会发现你立刻就想逃 离它、逃避它。你去寺庙,你敬仰神灵, 你一头扎入无休止的活动中,你不停地与 人交谈,把事情搪塞过去,或是打开收音 机听一听。我们都做过这些事情,这一点 我们最清楚不过了,如果我们对自己有点 儿意识的话。

Now, to realize that escape in any form will never satisfy this deep urge for self-fulfilment, to see that it is insatiable, a bottomless pit, you must be aware of it totally, which means that you must see the truth that escapes have no reality. You may escape through God or through drink, hut they are both the same; one is not more sacred than the other. 那么,要意识到任何形式的逃避绝不会满 足自我实现这一内心深处的冲动,要明白 那种冲动是无法满足的,它是一个无底深 渊,你必须彻底觉察它,也就是说,你必 须明白逃避没有任何真实性。你可以通过 上帝或通过饮酒的方式来逃避,但二者是 一回事,它们都无神圣可言。

You have to understand this hidden urge and go beyond it: and you cannot understand and go beyond it if you have not tasted that extraordinary loneliness, that darkness which has no way out, no hope. Hope comes into being when there is despair. A mind is in despair only because it is frustrated in its hope. To understand this deep urge, this hidden want, you must perceive it totally, as you might perceive a tree or a lovely flower. Then you can go beyond it; and once beyond it, you will find there is a complete aloneness which is entirely different from being lonely. But you cannot discover that state of complete aloneness without understanding the deep urge to fulfil yourself, to escape from loneliness. 你必须理解这种隐藏的冲动并超越它;如 果你没有品尝过这种不一般的孤独、这种 没有出路没有希望的黑暗,你就不能理解 它,也就不能超越它。有绝望存在时,希 望才会出现。一个人处于绝望之中,只是 因为他在追寻希望的路上遇到了挫折。要 理解这种内心深处的冲动、这种隐藏的欲 求,你就必须完全去感知它,就如同你感 知一棵树或一朵美丽的花。然后你才能超 越它;而一旦你超越了它,你将发现一种 彻底的独立,它与孤独截然不同。但是如 果不理解内心深处这种寻求自我实现、逃 避孤独的冲动,那么你就不能发现这种彻 底独立的状态。

Reflections on the Self, 'As a Human Being' 《超越孤独》之"作为一个人"

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