


It is time for action once more, my friends. Though it is important to continue the work on Glastonbury Tor, we must move forward with our plans. Today, I ask that you look at the major ley lines in ROME. My friends, when I say the ley lines are important, please believe me. They are your passport to a peaceful world. Veronica has studied this matter and suggests that you all look at it, as well.
是时候再次行动起来,我的朋友们。而且继续从事于格拉斯顿伯里突岩的工作是重要的, 我们必须不断推进我们的计划。今天,我请求你们看一看罗马主要的能量线。我的朋友们,当我说到这条能量线的重要性时,请相信我。他们是你们通往和平世界的 通行证。维诺妮卡已经研究了这个课题,而且建议你们也都能够看一看。
一个恶魔:《梵蒂冈大屠杀》 第一部分
You may want to read all the parts if you have a strong enough stomach for it.
8 Egyptian OBELISKS stand in Rome. Ask yourselves WHY ?
Why do they need to control all the ancient knowledge ?

Why do they prevent this from getting into the hands of the people they profess to serve? There is so much for you to research on this subject. It will help you to see clearly what has been done to you. The time for complacency has long past. You are fighting for your survival. Together, you can move mountains; now you must move the mountain of obstacles that is obstructing the light from you. This will open your eyes to what was so cleverly hidden from you. It is now time to face the facts: until you do, nothing will change. It will be difficult and painful for many of you to face the truth but this is what must be done in order to move forward.
为何他们要把这一切从他们公开宣称要服务的人民那里阻止?对于这个主题有太多你们需 要搜寻的。它会帮助你们清楚的看到曾经对你们做了些什么。自鸣得意的时代早已成为过去。你们在为自己的生存而奋斗。团结起来,你们就能够移动高山;现在你 们必须移动这座障碍的高山,它阻碍了通往你们的光。这会打开你们的眼界,去看清曾经有什么如此狡猾的对你们隐瞒。现在是时候去面对这些事实:直到你做到这 些,什么都不会改变。对你们许多人来说要去面对这些真相是很难且痛苦的事情,但是为了继续前进这必须完成。
The map of the ley lines will provide you with all the information you need in order to work with your minds to release this energy for the benefit of all of humanity. I ask that you concentrate on this on the Vernal Equinox (Lady Day, 25 March 2014) or as near to that date as possible for you. This will take a huge effort on your part because this is The Big One ! What we are doing, we do peacefully and powerfully, using only our minds and souls to bring about the release of the spiritual lines of energy that will reconnect you with All That Is.
能量线的图表会给你们所有必须的信息去运用你们的头脑实行对全体人类都有益的能量的 释放。我请求你们把精力放在【春分】这一天(天使报喜节,2014年3月25日)或是对你们来说尽可能接近的日期。这会给你们带来巨大的成就,因为它是大 事!我们正在做的,我们以和平且充满力量的方式去做,只是运用我们的意识和灵魂带来灵性能量的释放,它将让你们与全然所是的源头再次连接。
When you were cut off from this energy, you were cast into the darkness. Now, we in spirit are shining a light on all of this and showing you how to restore this light. Work with us and you will bring about changes that will free all of humanity from slavery. We will shine a light on each area of control throughout your world and gradually work towards creating a peaceful world for all. What is being imposed on you at this time is evil to its very core. Only the very foolish and mind controlled could believe what you are being told to accept as truth. 2014 will be the year to restore peace and truth. When the blood supply that flows through your veins is interrupted, it results in illness; when the energy that flows through the ley lines is blocked, it results in a very sick world. This is what you are about to remedy. I am sure many more of you will join us this time. Together, we will succeed. You realise that it will take immense energy to remove the blockages in Rome, so we need everyone on board, with pure minds and sincere intentions, all working for the good of humanity.
在你们曾经切断这股能量的时候,那时你们落入到了黑暗中。现在,在灵性世界的我们在 所有这些地点中闪耀出一股光芒,向你们展现如何恢复这股光之力量。请与我们合作,那么你们将带来把所有人从奴役状态解脱的转变。我们将在你们整个世界每一 个受到控制的地区闪耀出一股光芒,逐步的工作在朝向建立一个所有人的和平世界。在这一时刻向你们强加的一切便是这恶魔的核心。只有十分愚蠢且意识受到控制 的人才会相信那些你们一直被告知的所谓真相。2014年将是恢复和平与真相的一年。当滋养你们静脉的血流被隔断,它就会带来疾病;当流动在能量线的能量被 阻隔,其结果便是一个病态的世界。这就是你们即将去补救的。我确信你们中的许多人会在这一时刻加入到我们的行列。团结,我们就会成功。你知道它会带来巨大 的能量去移除罗马的障碍,所以我们需要每个人都参与进来,带着纯净的意图和诚挚之心,所有人都为了人类的良善而工作。
When we talked of the dark energies that were recently released into the world in order to cause anxiety, despair, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts, many of you wrote to Veronica from various parts of the world because you had experienced these phenomena. Here is the evidence that this dark energy is being used to cause you stress and fear. Be alert for all such intrusions into your lives. Share with others what you are experiencing. You are living through very difficult times. Everything dark and evil is being thrown at you to try to prevent the light from being restored.
当我们提到黑暗能量时,这是最近被释放出来旨在制造焦虑,绝望,无助与自杀性的思 维,你们来自世界各地的许多人都已写信给维诺妮卡,因为你们已经有了这类的体验现象。这就是证据,这股黑暗的能量被利用来遭致你们的压力和恐惧。请对你生 活中这类的侵入体保持警惕。请与其他人分享你们正在体验的状态。你们正经历和通过一段很困难的时期。每件黑暗和恶魔的事情都会投向你,试图阻止神圣之光被 恢复。
To proceed successfully, you need to come together and share your research. Help others to understand what we propose to do. Some of those among you, are born leaders, who will come forward to show the way. These individuals will appear all over the place to guide you forward.
Be patient with those who are only just beginning to wake up. Many are in fear, still in 3D thinking, frightened to step into what, to them, seems like the unknown. Acknowledge that it is a big step to take, but it is one that must be taken urgently, as time is running out for the cabal. All the gold that they have amassed over the years will not serve them now, as they struggle to provoke more wars in the hope that it will buy them more time. But it is time for the killing to stop and for humanity to work together as one.
请充满耐心的去对待那些才刚刚醒来的人们。许多人还处于恐惧之中,依旧以3D的方式 在思考,惧怕走入它们,对他们来说,未知是不可捉摸的。承认这一点也是巨大一步,但是这却是必须马上走出的一步,因为对于阴谋集团来说时间已不多。在这些 年他们所积累的所有黄金此刻将不再服务于他们,而他们正挣扎着要唆使更多的战争,以让他们赢得更多的时间。但现在是时候停止杀戮,让人类作为整体去合作。
Use your meditation for guidance and to provide a clear insight into what needs to be done. You will be guided. We in spirit are working with you. When the light is restored, there will be a greater connection between the two sides of life, and a greater understanding of what you call death and what it really means to die. We never leave you. We watch over you. We are there for you.
请利用有指导的冥想,以提供一种清晰的内在视角去看清什么需要被完成。你们将获得指 引。我们在灵性世界与你们一起合作。当神圣之光被予以恢复,在生命实相的两边将出现一种更为伟大的连接,对于你们所称之为死亡的一种更高的理解,以及死亡 真正的含义。我们从未离开你们。我们一直照看着你们。我们就在这里陪着你们。
Plan how you will work on the ley lines of Rome. Decide when and where to meet etc. Link together mentally and spiritually, always believing that you will succeed, for nothing can stop you. No matter how many false flags events the cabal produces, you will not be deterred, for this work takes priority over all else.
Remember, ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. It is obvious now, why this is so.
We are on our way. An army of light, exposing all the darkness and corruption, as we proceed to clear the path and restore the light. Be of good cheer, for this is what you are on Earth to do at this time. This is your purpose.
My dear, these little disasters in the house are caused to upset you. You will be helped to put things right again. See the ley line work as a huge adventure. The consequences of which will make history. It will restore the planet to wholeness.
Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
译者 U2觉醒




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