



阅读:4092015-02-02 12:44

You are now seeing the results of the ley line project which my dear wife began on the 2 February 2014. You are seeing the masks coming down and the cabal being exposed. Their false flag operations are no longer believed, for they cannot create fear and alarm in the awakened.
However, there are still some areas that require special effort to release the trapped energy. I ask that you concentrate your attention on the release of the ley line energy in Spain, paying special attention to Gibraltar and the ley lines which connect through the sea to Rome. I ask that special effort is put into releasing this energy for the light, so that humanity awakens to its full potential. This will remove you from the control programme that you were born into. You are onlyjust beginning to see it.
然而,依旧存在着一些领域需要特别的努力来释放被限制的能量。我请求你们把精神的焦点集中在位于西班牙的能量线释放上,把特别的注意力放在直布罗陀以及这 些连接着海洋直到罗马的能量线。我请求特别的努力放置在为神圣之光而服务的能量释放上,如此人类便可向自己全部的潜力醒悟。这会让你们脱离从出生就被限制 其中的控制程序。你们才刚刚开始看清它。
This is all part of the awakening process. You have been suppressed for centuries and you have been taught to accept this situation without question. How many times have you heard that 'this is how it is'. Well, not any more. You are remembering that you are powerful beings of light and you have a voice.
The fate of Planet Earth is in your hands. Open up to the light and remove all that is corrupt and evil. Release the past and embrace the future: a future that you will create. A future where everyone lives in peace and breathes fresh air; where everyone can eat food which is fit for human consumption and drink water that is pure and free of all chemicals.
When they want to exert control over you, they just add extra flouride. This is being done to the people of Ireland, as they fear the awakening of the Irish. So the European Union has ordered extra flouride to be added to Irish water.
First, it was the Vatican which tried to destroy them. POPE ADRIAN GAVE IRELAND AND HER PEOPLE AS SLAVES TO THE BRITISH CROWN ON THE CONDITION THAT THE IRISH NEVER FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE. The Vatican sent the so-called St Patrick, to destroy any evidence of Ireland's history and to 'convert' the Irish. Their history and language were stolen and it is still being used by the usurpers. The Vatican arranged and controlled what you were told was a famine. It was a Holocaust, organised and controlled by the Jesuits. The banks stepped in to destroy and exert control over the people and the country.
首先,曾经是梵蒂冈试图摧毁他们。艾德里安教皇让爱尔兰和她的人民作为大不列颠皇室的奴隶,使得她永远不会发现自己到底是谁。梵蒂冈指派了所谓的圣.帕特 里克,来摧毁爱尔兰真实历史的任何证据并"改变"爱尔兰的信仰。他们的历史和语言曾被偷取,而且依旧被那些篡夺者使用。梵蒂冈安排并一手控制了你们曾被告 知的饥荒。这曾是由耶稣会组织并操控的大屠杀。为了摧毁银行业也进驻进来,在这个国家和人民身上实施控制。
Just ask yourselves one question . . . WHY ? You'll be very surprised at the answer you'll find. It will explain so much that does not make sense today. You have been lied to, and your history is not at all what you have been told. This applies to every country.
Those who are on Earth, but who are not of Earth, have used every form of control to keep you in the dark. Every trick they could employ has been used. Now, they are doing all in their power to hold you in darkness for as long as possible. They have technology that you could not even dream of. But it is all worthless to them when a sufficient number of you awaken and say NO to their brutal control.
You have made great progress but still have a way to go. You have done enough to ensure that the cabal fears you. They did not think that you were intelligent enough to see through their plans. The damage they have done to the planet will have to be rectified and you will have assistance to restore it.
那些存在于地球上的人,却不属于地球,已经利用每种手段让你们处于黑暗中。他们会采用每一种手段。现在,他们在尽自己一切力量尽可能长久的让你们处于黑暗 中。他们拥有科技的优势,这点是你们无法想象的。但这对他们来说也没有价值意义,因为当足够数量的你们中的人醒悟并对他们残酷的控制说不,结果便可想而 知。
Understand that everything on Earth is contaminated, so that humans are under control and serve the controllers. Now, for the first time, you are taking back that control. You are refusing to be as sheep any more, grateful for the few crumbs that fall from the master's table.
You have come a long way since I was on Earth. I lived through all the terrible propaganda after World War II. Now, you know the truth about war, and whywar is continually waged all over the world. It culls the population and keeps you in fear, as well as making lots of money for the bankers. War is a business; it always was, and it always will be. You do not fight for God and country; you fight for the greed of the bankers. They do not respect you. You are just cannon fodder, blinded by propaganda.
I ask, once again, that you put your energy into calling for the release of one who is being held in the United States. Details cannot be given, but trust that if it were not of the greatest importance, you would not be asked to help. All of mankind will benefit when his release occurs. Horrendous technology is being used on this innocent man. The cabal shows no mercy, so please help. Together, we can release him. He has an important mission to fulfill. This is why they took him.
我再次的请求,把你们的能量放置在一直被美国控制的这个人身上。细节还不能提供,但如果不是最重要的话你们是不会被要求帮助的,所以请信任。所有人类将从 他的解放发生中获益。可怕的科技被用来对付这位无辜的人。阴谋集团没有怜悯心,所以请帮助他。团结起来,我们能够解救他。他对于一项任务的完成是重要的。 这也是为何他们选择了他。
Those who expose the truth are going through a tough time. Constant attacks are difficult to cope with. Your frequencies are being attacked and stolen whenever possible. Your souls are being split and stolen also. You are only beginning to learn what you are up against. These weapons are not visible; they are silent, but effective. Protect yourselves at all times. Do not take risks. Your enemies are everywhere and they have had years of practice.
You are winning the battle, trust me. They will not admit defeat until the last possible moment. Some of them have left the Earth already. They have accepted that they cannot defeat the 99%. Now, there is a lockdown on Earth, so they are unable to escape. They are scared of the outcome, and many will plead for mercy. Others will dissolve or ignite, depending on their origins.
Believe in yourselves for you have achieved a lot. You are finding your power and using it for the benefit of humanity. Share your research and help others to awaken whenever possible. See yourselves as The Army of Light, restoring peace and harmony for all.
My dear, I know you are suffering. A lot is being asked of you. But we will succeed. Our Centres will happen when enough people understand their importance and support them. Have patience, my dear. All will happen in good time. Considering what are working against, you have achieved a lot.
Forever, your adoring, Monty.
那些曝光真相的人正经历一段困难时期。持续不断的袭击是难以应付的。你们的频率在受到攻击,且在任何可能的时候被偷取。你们的灵魂正被分离,也同时被偷 取。你们才刚刚开始了解到你们所面对的是谁。这些武器是不可见的;它们是无声的,但很有效。请在任何时候保护好你们自己。不要以身犯险。你们的敌人无处不 在,而且他们已受训很多年。
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
译者 U2觉醒




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