



1  标题:

A Short History of Saturated Fat: The Making and Unmaking of a Scientific Consensus


1. 饱和脂肪的早期认识

20世纪初期,饱和脂肪逐渐被认为是饮食中的一种主要脂肪来源,特别是在肉类和奶制品中。随着心血管疾病(CVD)发病率的上升,科学家开始寻找其潜在的原因。Ancel Keys 领导的一项著名研究——“七国研究”——提出饱和脂肪摄入与心脏病发病率之间的联系。由此,饱和脂肪逐渐成为健康专家的重点关注对象,并促使了公共健康政策的改变。

2. 科学共识的形成


3. 共识的动摇与挑战


4. 最新研究进展


5. 自然医学的观点


6. 临床一线医生的指导建议


2  English Section

1. Early Understanding of Saturated Fat

In the early 20th century, saturated fat was widely recognized as a primary dietary fat, especially found in meat and dairy products. As cardiovascular disease (CVD) rates soared, scientists began investigating potential causes. Ancel Keys' famous "Seven Countries Study" suggested a link between saturated fat intake and heart disease, prompting a shift in public health policies.

2. Formation of Scientific Consensus

Between the 1950s and 1980s, numerous studies confirmed the association between high saturated fat intake, elevated cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis, and heart disease. As a result, dietary guidelines during this period broadly recommended reducing saturated fat and promoting polyunsaturated fats (like vegetable oils) and low-fat diets. This shaped eating habits and health perspectives for decades.

3. Challenges to the Consensus

From the 1990s onward, many studies started questioning the straightforward causal relationship between saturated fat and heart disease. For instance, research found that merely reducing saturated fat did not significantly lower CVD risk. Moreover, newer studies emphasized the complexity of different fat types and highlighted the harmful effects of sugar and refined carbohydrates on health.

4. Recent Scientific Advances

More recent evidence suggests that moderate consumption of natural saturated fats may not pose a significant risk to heart health. Studies show that natural saturated fats, such as those found in coconut oil and grass-fed beef, may have neutral or even beneficial effects on the body. Meanwhile, trans fats and industrially processed fats have been proven to cause inflammation and heart disease.

5. Perspective of Natural Medicine

In natural medicine, reasonable consumption of saturated fat is often viewed as part of holistic health, especially when emphasizing whole food diets and avoiding processed products. Modern naturopathy encourages the use of high-quality sources of saturated fat, such as organic, grass-fed animal fats and unprocessed plant oils, to promote overall health rather than blindly adhering to "low-fat" trends.

6. Practical Guidance for Clinicians

Clinicians are advised to move beyond outdated "low-fat diet" theories and instead focus on the type and quantity of fats patients consume. Differentiating between natural saturated fats and processed fats is key. Greater attention should also be paid to the risks of refined sugar and high-carbohydrate diets, with personalized dietary plans tailored to patients' needs based on the latest research.



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A short history of saturated fat: the making and unmaking of a scientific consensus




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