












Prompt Analysis and Response

Introduction 介绍

The Foundation of Heart Health

The Role of Supplements 补充剂的作用

Herbal Support 草药支持

Important Considerations 重要考虑因素

Conclusion 结论













  1. 维生素D3:有助于防止动脉钙化,降低炎症,恢复动脉内皮功能。

  2. 维生素K2:与维生素D3一起,有助于降低动脉钙化的风险,并改善血管健康。

  3. B族维生素(硫胺素、核黄素、烟酸、叶酸等):有助于提供心肌能量,改善心脏功能。

  4. 辅酶Q10:强效抗氧化剂,支持心脏细胞的能量生产,并对心脏恢复有帮助。

  5. :有助于调节心律、血压,并提高心脏健康。

  6. 欧米伽-3脂肪酸:降低血脂,减轻炎症,保护心脏免受损伤。

  7. :增强免疫力,促进健康的血管功能。

  8. 草药与植物成分:如山楂、大蒜、姜黄等,具有促进心血管健康的效果。


  • 维生素D3:帮助调节血液中的钙水平,减少动脉硬化。

  • 维生素K2:防止钙质沉积在动脉壁,降低心脏病风险。

  • B族维生素:为心脏提供必需的能量。

  • 辅酶Q10:抗氧化作用,有助于提升心脏功能。

  • 镁与欧米伽-3:有助于维持心脏健康,改善心血管系统功能。






Prompt Analysis and Response


Prompt: 迅速的:

Create a new text as a natural medicine practitioner, using the provided links and information.


Key points from the prompt and provided links:


  • Heart health: The primary focus is on heart health and the role of supplements in maintaining it.

  • Natural approach: The response should be from the perspective of a natural medicine practitioner, emphasizing natural remedies and lifestyle changes.

  • Scientific backing: While promoting natural remedies, it's important to provide scientific evidence or references to support the claims.

  • Comprehensive: The response should cover a wide range of supplements, their benefits, and potential side effects.

Revised Text: Nurturing Your Heart: A Natural Approach


Introduction 介绍

Heart disease remains a leading cause of death globally. While conventional medicine offers many treatments, a natural approach can complement these efforts and support long-term heart health. This article will explore the role of specific nutrients and lifestyle factors in promoting cardiovascular well-being.


The Foundation of Heart Health


  • Nutrition: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides essential nutrients for heart health.

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, and improves cholesterol levels.

  • Stress management: Chronic stress can contribute to heart disease. Practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help manage stress.

  • Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and heart function.

The Role of Supplements 补充剂的作用

While a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are fundamental, certain supplements can provide additional support for heart health.


  • Vitamin D3: Essential for calcium absorption and bone health, vitamin D3 also plays a role in reducing inflammation and improving heart function.
    维生素 D3:维生素 D3 对于钙吸收和骨骼健康至关重要,还具有减少炎症和改善心脏功能的作用。

  • Vitamin K2: Works synergistically with vitamin D3 to promote heart health by directing calcium into bones and away from arteries.
    维生素 K2:与维生素 D3 协同作用,通过将钙引导到骨骼并远离动脉来促进心脏健康。

  • B Vitamins: These vitamins are essential for energy production and heart function.
    B 族维生素:这些维生素对于能量产生和心脏功能至关重要。

  • Magnesium: Involved in numerous bodily functions, including regulating blood pressure and heart rhythm.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fatty fish, these fatty acids can help reduce triglycerides, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
    Omega-3 脂肪酸:这些脂肪酸存在于多脂鱼类中,有助于降低甘油三酯、降低血压并降低患心脏病的风险。

  • Coenzyme Q10: An antioxidant that supports heart function and may be beneficial for people with heart failure.
    辅酶 Q10:一种支持心脏功能的抗氧化剂,可能对心力衰竭患者有益。

  • Antioxidants: Vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, help protect cells from damage.
    抗氧化剂:维生素 C 和 E,以及水果和蔬菜中的抗氧化剂,有助于保护细胞免受损害。

Herbal Support 草药支持

  • Hawthorn: Traditionally used to support heart health, hawthorn can help improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

  • Garlic: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, garlic can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

  • Ginkgo biloba: This herb has been used to improve blood circulation and cognitive function.

Important Considerations 重要考虑因素

  • Individual needs: The optimal supplement regimen varies from person to person, depending on factors such as age, health status, and dietary habits.

  • Quality matters: Choose high-quality supplements from reputable brands.

  • Consultation with a healthcare provider: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking1 medications.

Conclusion 结论

A natural approach to heart health involves a combination of a nutritious diet, regular exercise, stress management, and, in some cases, targeted supplementation. By working with a healthcare provider, you can develop a personalized plan to support your heart health and overall well-being.


Remember, while supplements can be beneficial, they should not replace a healthy lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or supplement regimen.


[Include relevant images or infographics, such as a visual representation of the heart and its nutrients]


Additional topics to consider:


  • The role of gut health in heart health

  • The impact of inflammation on heart disease

  • The importance of regular check-ups and monitoring

Keywords: heart health, natural remedies, supplements, vitamin D, vitamin K2, omega-3, magnesium, antioxidants, herbal medicine, holistic health

关键词:心脏健康、自然疗法、补充剂、维生素 D、维生素 K2、omega-3、镁、抗氧化剂、草药、整体健康

By following these guidelines, you can create a comprehensive and informative article that empowers readers to take proactive steps towards heart health.





 心脏健康始于为心脏提供最佳运作所需的营养。 您对补充剂的需求取决于许多因素以及您想要达到的目标。

 补充剂能让你长生不老吗? 不会。什么都不会。

 补充剂会让你生活得更好吗? 是的。 正确的人会的。

 你想感受最好的自己吗? 那么您可能确实需要考虑心脏补充剂。 不幸的是,研究通常不关注感觉更好。 但是,我打赌你会的。

 关于补充剂的另一个考虑因素是:如果等到出现健康问题才使用补充剂来保护心脏,那么预防心脏病的窗口就关闭了。(必须早早预防性应用 !)

 预防心脏病比一旦发病后扭转病情容易得多。 众所周知,预防是不可能在研究中进行衡量的。





 专家知道,心脏病的发病从年轻就开始了。 这意味着由于氧化应激、不良饮食、加工食品、慢性压力、缺乏运动 等,它会缓慢进展。



 每时每刻,心脏都依靠营养来泵血。 以钾、镁、钙和其他电解质为例。 您的心肌需要 硫胺素等 B 族维生素 来为心肌提供能量。

 您是否知道心肌需要维生素 D 才能正确使用电解质? 正如您可以想象的那样,如果您缺乏维生素 D,您出现心律问题的风险就会增加。


 有些人可能会说,“我可以从食物中获取足够的营养。” 更好的论点可能是,你得到的足够多了吗?



然而,为了获得最佳的心脏健康,饮食通常是不够的。 我们都知道,随着食品供应的工业化和超加工食品的发展,获得高营养食品变得越来越困难。



 请记住,心脏病的根本原因通常是 炎症,它会导致动脉斑块增加。

 缺乏营养素和抗氧化剂会加剧体内炎症并导致血管功能不良。 如果选择正确,补充剂可以帮助增强营养和抗氧化剂。









 3B 族维生素

(B 族维生素硫胺素(维生素 B1)

 核黄素(维生素 B2)

 烟酸(维生素 B3)

 叶酸(维生素 B9)






   (  蒜 大蒜

 白藜芦醇 🔗白藜芦醇


 药用蘑菇 药用蘑菇

 小檗(bo)碱 黄连素主页  )





 维生素 D3 对心脏健康的四个真正重要的功能已被证实。 以下是这些函数的概要:

 ➡️在制造称为 骨化三醇 的激素方面发挥核心作用,适当剂量的骨化三醇有助于防止动脉钙化。



 ➡️经维生素 D 委员会审查,至少 18 项研究表明维生素 D3 可以改善生活质量。

 这意味着维生素 D3 可以让人感觉更好、功能更好。 如果您居住在纬度 40 度以北地区,如果您不补充维生素 D3,几乎可以保证您体内的维生素 D3 含量较低。

维生素 D3 剂量

 临床研究使用的剂量范围为每天 2000 IU 至 10,000 IU。

 虽然这些剂量可能看起来很多,但夏日的阳光下可以轻松为您提供这么多的维生素 D3。

 在服用更高剂量的维生素 D3 之前,请咨询您的医生。


 心脏健康补充剂应同时含有维生素 D3 和维生素 K2。

 维生素 K2 和维生素 D3 可以很好地促进心脏健康,更重要的是:如果您不补充的话,这两种营养素很可能会非常缺乏。

 维生素 K2 可降低动脉壁钙化的风险。 这对心脏健康很有帮助,因为钙化会增加斑块和动脉狭窄。

 这种动脉粥样硬化会增加心脏病发作、中风等疾病的风险。 一项临床研究是一项为期 3 年的双盲、安慰剂对照试验,试验补充剂为 MenaQ7,每日剂量为 180 微克。

 在这个剂量下,维生素 K2 可以降低动脉僵硬度。 这绝对是好事,因为您的动脉应该灵活且充满活力。

 维生素 K2 应成为心脏健康补充剂一部分的另一个原因是:

他汀类胆固醇药物还会通过降低维生素 K2 在体内的代谢来剥夺体内的维生素 K2。

 如果您正在服用降胆固醇药物,记住这一点很重要。 这可以部分解释为什么服用胆固醇药物的患者仍然会出现动脉斑块和动脉壁钙化。

 维生素 K2 剂量


 儿童每天 45 微克

 健康成人每天 180 微克

 在开始服用维生素 K2 之前,请务必咨询您的医生是否正在服用血液稀释药物。 除此之外,维生素 K2 是安全的,没有观察到已知的毒性或副作用。


 您可能还记得,B 族维生素与心脏健康有关,因为它们有助于为心肌组织提供能量。 事实证明,补充各种 B 族维生素对心脏健康有益。 以下是我们迄今为止关于 B 族维生素的研究。


 硫胺素(维生素 B1)被认为是一种罕见的缺乏症。 然而,请考虑这一点:许多心脏药物,包括袢利尿剂,会消耗体内的硫胺素,这可能会进一步恶化心力衰竭等心脏疾病。


 众所周知,酒精也会消耗硫胺素。 如果你经常喝酒,你的硫胺素含量可能会很低,这会对心脏造成伤害。

您是否会 节食 或 保持体重过轻? 您的硫胺素含量也可能较低。


 尚未发现硫胺素的已知毒性,因此硫胺素非常安全。 人们每天安全补充最多 300 毫克的硫胺素。

 核黄素(维生素 B2)




 与维生素 B1 一样,维生素 B2 也会被利尿剂、酒精和不良饮食等常见药物剥夺。


 维生素 B2 或核黄素通常与其他 B 族维生素结合服用。 与硫胺素一样,它是一种非常安全的营养素,没有已知的毒性。 每日安全使用剂量高达 75 毫克

 烟酸(维生素 B3

 烟酸因其对健康的益处而再次成为人们关注的焦点。 最近的研究表明烟酸,尤其是 NAD,可以减少体内的衰老过程。 根据 7 项试验的荟萃分析,使用烟酸补充剂还可以减少心脏问题。






 与硫胺素和核黄素一样,烟酸有助于为心肌提供能量。 临床前研究表明,烟酸可以减少心力衰竭小鼠模型的心脏问题。


 有 5 种主要类型的烟酸可作为补充剂:






 烟酰胺核苷 和  NAD(烟酸的一种形式)在高剂量下对人体是安全的。

 各种研究都使用高剂量的烟酸,即释形式的烟酸,每次 1 克,每日 3 次,用于治疗精神分裂症  患者。


 请记住,烟酸会导致潮红。 虽然不舒服,但这种情况没有风险。 如果您继续服用烟酸 3 天或更长时间,它通常会消失。


叶酸(维生素 B9

 叶酸是仅次于维生素 B12 的最常见 B 族维生素缺乏症。


 叶酸还可以改善 一氧化氮代谢 并减少血液中的 同型半胱氨酸 等炎症化合物。


 大多数叶酸专家现在推荐 甲基叶酸 而不是叶酸,因为它的生物利用度更高,不太可能掩盖 B12 缺乏,并且对于 MTHFR 基因多态性的人来说比叶酸更好。


 用于心脏健康的剂量通常为每天 1 毫克左右的甲基叶酸。 有些人仍然使用叶酸,但天然形式的叶酸可能更安全、更有效。


 辅酶 Q10 补充剂作为心脏健康补充剂很有帮助。

 辅酶 Q10 (CoQ10) 或泛醇是一种有效的抗氧化剂,有助于保护神经元和心肌细胞。

 大多数辅酶 Q10 是在体内产生的,但它是一种非常挑剔的物质。

 如果你的饮食不原始,你就不会摄入足够的食物。 您需要补充 coqQ10 的另一个原因可能是您正在服用称为他汀类药物的胆固醇药物。

 他汀类药物因剥夺身体这种重要营养素而臭名昭著。 它们还会消耗另一种重要的心脏营养素:维生素 K2。

 不同之处在于:医生通常会建议服用他汀类药物的患者补充辅酶Q10; 对于维生素 K2 没有提出此类建议。

 心脏手术后的患者在手术前服用辅酶 Q10 可以更快地恢复。 结论:CoQ10 是一种安全的心脏健康补充剂,可以帮助您获取能量。

辅酶 Q10 剂量

 为了心脏健康,大多数研究使用的辅酶 q10 剂量为每天 100-400 毫克


 镁是一种强大的矿物质,对包括心脏在内的整个身体发挥着巨大的作用。 大多数人没有吃足够的富含镁的食物,包括绿色蔬菜和种子。 镁如何促进心脏健康?




 心脏病患者在补充镁后在运动测试中表现也更好。 由于这些原因,许多人受益于服用镁补充剂。

 我最喜欢的镁补充剂是 甘氨酸镁、氯化镁、苹果酸镁 苹果酸二镁。


 从低剂量开始,例如每天 100-200 毫克,然后根据需要逐渐增加剂量。



 欧米伽 3 缺乏症很常见。  omega-3 脂肪的最佳来源是野生捕获的  鱼,尤其是富含脂肪的鱼。 研究表明,典型的美国饮食中 omega-3 的摄入量比以往任何时候都低。

 鱼油补充剂是 omega-3 的主要补充剂。 鱼油在我们体内有什么作用?




如果您每周不吃至少 2-4 次鱼(对自己诚实),您的 omega-3 含量可能较低。 虽然 omega-3 可以减少炎症,但它们不像维生素 D3 和维生素 K2 那样具有减少钙化的潜力。

 最近的研究表明,与胆固醇药物相比,大剂量 omega-3 补充剂可将致命性心脏病和中风的几率降低 25%。

 在这项研究中,他们仅使用欧米茄 EPA。 其他研究显示了 omega DHA 和 EPA 的益处。

 植物来源也是可用的。 寻找 DHA 和 EPA 的植物来源。 亚麻酸 是一种来自植物的 omega 3,但它在体内不容易转化为 omega 3 的活性形式。

 欧米伽 3 剂量

 临床研究使用的 omega 3 剂量为 每天 100 毫克一直到 4000 毫克

 鱼肝油含有最容易吸收的 omega-3 脂肪,因此您无需像其他类型的鱼油那样使用大量的鱼肝油。


 锌摄入量最高的人患心血管疾病的风险较低。 对于患有糖尿病的人来说尤其如此。


 大多数人没有意识到锌不仅可以增强免疫力,还可以增强免疫力。 它在体内充当抗氧化剂,并在胰岛素的代谢和产生中发挥作用。 它还可能有助于预防自身免疫性疾病,而已知这些疾病会增加患心脏病的风险。

 锌还有这样的作用:减少体内 DNA 损伤。




 许多人可能会受益于补充锌,但最好与其他矿物质和营养素均衡摄入。 剂量应适中,以避免铜耗尽。

 补充剂中使用的典型剂量为每天 10-20 毫克。



 我喜欢认为药草和药用蘑菇在我们的身体中具有智能,可以帮助纠正不平衡并针对需要的东西。 我在下面列出的草药通常是安全的,但应始终与您的医疗保健提供者进行审查。

 草药可以帮助调节和平衡。 治疗心脏病最流行的草药和营养化合物包括:

 山楂浆果 山楂霍桑 可增加心脏的血流量,改善心力衰竭患者的预后。


 小檗碱 小檗碱可降低血压、血糖和胆固醇

 西 图尔西支持减肥和血糖管理,并减少炎症和哮喘症状

 姜黄  姜黄 可以减少体内炎症

 药用蘑菇 药用蘑菇——通过平衡免 疫力并可能降低胆固醇,药用蘑菇支持心脏健康。

 白藜芦醇 白藜芦醇——具有抗衰老作用,可以降低血糖和血压,支持健康的动脉功能,降低动脉僵硬度等等。


 这里列出的补充剂通常是安全的。 虽然对健康人来说是安全的,但一些补充剂会与血液稀释药物和其他药物相互作用。 在开始任何补充程序之前,请务必咨询您的医生或营养师。


 心脏健康补充剂有助于保持您的身体和心脏强壮和有弹性。 上面列出的补充剂都有助于找到心脏病的根源。

 一些补充剂有助于治疗当今常见的维生素缺乏症。 确保健康饮食以实现最佳的心脏健康。


Do You Need Supplements For Your Heart?


Heart health begins with providing the heart with the nutrients it needs to perform optimally.  Your need for supplements depends on many factors and what you are trying to achieve.

Will supplements make you live forever?  No.  Nothing will.

Will supplements make you live better? Yes. The right ones will.

Do you want to feel your best?  Then you do likely want to consider supplements for your heart.  Unfortunately, research studies usually don’t focus on feeling better. But, I bet you do.

Another consideration about supplements: if you wait to protect your heart with supplements until you have a health issue, your window for the prevention of heart disease is closed.

It is so much easier to prevent heart disease than to reverse the process once it develops. Prevention is notoriously impossible to measure in research studies.

Patiently Wait for a Heart Problem?

If you wait for a heart attack, you have waited too long to protect your heart with lifestyle changes.

Even if you have had a heart problem, adopting a healthy lifestyle with key supplements for the heart can go a long way to keeping your health and vitality at its best.

Your body will thank you for taking care of it.

Experts know that the development of heart disease starts when you are young.  That means that it slowly progresses due to oxidative stress, poor diet, processed foods, chronic stress, lack of exercise, and more.

The tipping point is often a heart attack or stroke.

Think about the heart as a pump.

Every split second, the heart relies on nutrients to pump.  Think of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other electrolytes, as an example.  Your heart muscle requires B vitamins like thiamine to provide the myocardium with energy.

Did you know that vitamin D is required by the heart muscles in order to use electrolytes correctly? As you can imagine, if you are vitamin D deficient, your risk of heart rhythm problems rises.

What about Food Sources of Vitamins?

Some might argue, “I can get enough nutrition from my food.”  The better argument might be, ARE you getting enough?

If you have to think a lot about the answer to the question, you probably aren’t.

You certainly should try to get nutrients in your foods, primarily.

For best heart health, however, your diet is often not enough.  We all know that with the industrial food supply and ultra-processed foods, it becomes more and more difficult to get high-nutrient foods.

Starting on a routine of great preventive supplements may go a long way to keep your arteries healthy AND keep you young at heart.

High-quality supplements may provide heart protection

Keep in mind, that the root cause of heart disease is often inflammation, which drives an increase in arterial plaque.

A lack of nutrients and antioxidants can drive up inflammation in the body and cause the blood vessels to function poorly. Supplements can help boost both nutrients and antioxidants if chosen correctly.

Note: always combine supplements with a healthy diet and lifestyle, as these are the biggest factors for keeping your heart pump healthy.

Vitamins That are Good for the Heart

When buying supplements, you absolutely must become a label reader.

This is because some forms and brands will not be the best.

Some may also contain unknown substances that aren’t good for your health.

List of supplements that support heart health:

Vitamin D3

Vitamin K2

Coenzyme Q10


Omega 3’s

Vitamin C

Other beneficial nutrients include:


B-vitaminsThiamine (vitamin B1)

Niacin (vitamin B3)

Folate (vitamin B9)

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Other B-vitamins

Herbs and foods that may help heart health:




Medicinal Mushrooms


Let's dive in a little more. 

1. Vitamin D3

Four really important functions of vitamin D3 for heart health have been proven. Here is a synopsis of those functions:

➡️Plays a central role in making the hormone called calcitriol, which helps prevent the calcification of arteries in proper doses.

➡️Reduces inflammation in the body and helps restore the function of the arteries in the body.

➡️Helps restore the function of the arterial wall called the endothelium.

➡️At least 18 studies, as reviewed by The Vitamin D Council, have shown that vitamin D3 improves quality of life.

This means that vitamin D3 makes people feel better and function better. If you live north of 40 degrees latitude, you are almost guaranteed to be low in vitamin D3 if you don’t supplement.

Vitamin D3 Doses

Clinical studies use doses in the range of 2000 IU to 10,000 IU per day.

While these doses may seem like a lot, a summer day in the sun can easily give you this much vitamin D3. 

Check with your doctor before taking higher doses of vitamin D3.

2. Vitamin K2

Heart health supplement routines should contain both vitamin D3 AND vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 work well together for heart health and what’s more important: they are two nutrients that are VERY deficient most likely if you aren’t supplementing them.

Vitamin K2 reduces the risk of calcification in the artery wall.  This is helpful for heart health because calcification increases plaque and narrowing of the arteries.

This atherosclerosis increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and more. One clinic study was a 3-year double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of supplemental vitamin K2 as MenaQ7 at a daily dosage of 180 micrograms per day. 

At this dose, vitamin K2 reduced arterial stiffness. This is definitely good because your arteries should be flexible and dynamic.

One more reason vitamin K2 should be part of your heart health supplements:

Statin cholesterol drugs rob the body of vitamin K2 as well by reducing its metabolism in the body.

This is important to remember if you are on cholesterol-lowering medication. It may explain, in part, why patients who take cholesterol drugs still get arterial plaque and calcification in the artery wall.

Vitamin K2 Dosages

Clinical studies use:

45 micrograms per day in children

180 micrograms per day for healthy adults

Always check with your doctor if you are on blood-thinning medications before starting vitamin K2. Otherwise, vitamin K2 is safe and no known toxicity or side effects have been observed.

3. B-Vitamins

As you may recall, B vitamins are involved in heart health because they help provide energy to the heart muscle tissue. Supplements of various B vitamins have proven beneficial for heart health.  Here is the research about B vitamins that we have so far.


Thiamine (vitamin B1) is thought to be a rare deficiency.  However, consider this: many medications for the heart, including loop diuretics, deplete the body of thiamine, which may further worsen heart conditions like heart failure.

A review study of thiamine supplementation concluded that thiamine may improve functional parameters in the heart, including left ventricular ejection fraction.

Alcohol is notorious for depleting thiamine as well.  If you imbibe often you may be low in thiamine, and this can be hard on the heart.

Do you crash diet or remain underweight? You also may be low in thiamine.

Thiamine dosages

No known toxicity of thiamine has ever been found, so thiamine is very safe.  People supplement up to 300 milligrams per day of thiamine safely.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Another nutrient that may help the heart is called riboflavin.

With similar roles in the body, riboflavin deficiency was found to be quite common among children with congestive heart failure.

The same is true of adults with heart failure [R].

Like vitamin B1, vitamin B2 is also robbed by common medications like diuretics, alcohol, and poor diets.

Riboflavin dosages

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is often taken in combination with other B vitamins.  Like thiamine, it is a very safe nutrient with no known toxicity. Doses up to 75 mg have been used safely on a daily basis.

Niacin (vitamin B3)

Niacin is now in the spotlight again for health benefits. Recent research shows that niacin, particularly NAD, may reduce aging processes in the body. The use of niacin supplements also reduces heart issues, according to a meta-analysis of 7 trials. 

These issues include:

coronary artery revascularization

nonfatal myocardial infarction



Like thiamine and riboflavin, niacin helps provide energy to the heart muscle. Pre-clinical studies show that niacin reduces heart issues in a mouse model of heart failure.

Niacin Supplements

5 main types of niacin are available as supplements:

Nicotinic acid


Inositol hexanicotinate


Nicotinamide riboside

Nicotinamide riboside and NAD, a form of niacin, are safe at high doses in humans.

Various studies have used high doses of nicotinic acid, 1 gram 3 times daily, in the immediate release form, is used in schizophrenia patients.

Slow or timed-release release niacin should be avoided at high doses because they are more likely to cause liver damage.

Keep in mind, that niacin can cause flushing.  While uncomfortable, there is no risk to this condition.  It usually dissipates if you keep taking niacin for 3 or more days.

Do not take high doses of niacin unless under the supervision of your doctor.

Folate (vitamin B9)

Next to vitamin B12, folate is the most common B vitamin deficiency.

Folate improves the artery wall or endothelial function and by acting as an antioxidant in the blood vessels. 

Folate also improves nitric oxide metabolism and reduces inflammatory compounds like homocysteine in the blood.

Supplemental folic acid reduced the risk of both cardiovascular disease and stroke in a large meta-analysis study.

Most folate experts now recommend methyl folate over folic acid because of its higher bioavailability, is less likely to mask a B12 deficiency, and is better than folic acid for people with gene polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene.

Folate doses

Doses used for heart health are typically around 1 mg per day of methyl folate.  Some people still use folic acid, but the natural form of folate is likely safer and more effective.

4. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 supplements are helpful as a heart health supplement.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), or ubiquinol, is a potent antioxidant that helps protect neurons and heart muscle cells.

Most CoQ10 is made within the body, but it’s a very finicky substance.

If your diet isn’t pristine, you won’t make enough of it. Another reason you need coqQ10 supplements may be that you are on cholesterol medications called statins.

Statins are notorious for robbing the body of this critical nutrient. They also deplete another critical heart nutrient: vitamin K2.

The difference is: it is common practice for doctors to recommend CoQ10 supplementation for patients on statins; no such recommendation is being made regarding Vitamin K2.

Patients after heart surgery recovered quicker when taking coenzyme Q10 before their operations. Verdict:  CoQ10 is a safe heart health supplement that may help you get energy.

Coenzyme Q10​ Doses

For heart health, most studies use doses of coenzyme q10 between 100-400 mg per day.

5. Magnesium

Magnesium is a powerful mineral that plays a tremendous role in benefiting the whole body, including the heart.  Most people aren’t eating enough magnesium-rich foods, including green vegetables and seeds. How does magnesium work for heart health?

Help keep heart rhythm normal, reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease, reduce blood pressure, and reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death.

Improves sleep quality

Maximizes glucose metabolism

Heart patients perform better on exercise tests after supplementing magnesium as well. Many people benefit from taking magnesium supplements for these reasons. 

My favorite forms of magnesium supplements are magnesium glycinate, magnesium, chloride, magnesium malate, and dimagnesium malate.

Magnesium Doses

Start with a low dose, such as 100-200 mg per day, and work your way up if you need to.

Side effects: magnesium has a laxative effect if you get too much.

6. Omega 3

Omega 3 deficiency is common.  The best source of omega-3 fats is wild-caught fish, especially fatty fish.  Research suggests that the ratios of omega-3 intakes are lower than ever in the typical American diet.

Fish oil supplements are the primary supplement for omega 3’s. What does fish oil do in our bodies?

Protect the heart from inflammation

Reduce the stickiness of platelets

Reduce triglycerides and blood pressure

If you don’t eat fish at least 2-4 times a week (be honest with yourself) you are likely low in omega 3’s. While omega 3’s reduce inflammation, they don’t have the potential to reduce calcification like vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 have.

Recent research suggests that high-dose omega-3 supplementation reduces the chances of fatal heart attacks and strokes by 25% over and above the benefit of cholesterol medications.

In this study, they used omega EPA only. Other studies show the benefits of both omega DHA and EPA.

Plant sources are available as well. Look for plant sources of DHA and EPA.  Linolenic acid is an omega 3 from plants, but it isn’t easily converted into the active form of omega 3 in the body.

Omega 3 Doses

Clinical studies use omega 3 doses of 100 mg all the way up to 4000 mg per day.

Cod liver oil has the most absorbable type of omega-3 fats, so you won't have to use as much of it as other types of fish oil. 

7. Zinc

People with the highest intake of zinc have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.  This is especially true for people who have diabetes. 

Low zinc levels in the blood also predict an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

Most people don’t realize that zinc isn’t just for immunity; it functions as an antioxidant in the body and plays a role in the metabolism and production of insulin.  It also may help protect from autoimmune diseases and these are known to amp up heart disease risk.

Zinc also does this: reduces DNA damage in the body.

While we don’t know if zinc supplements reduce your risk of a heart attack, they certainly may support your vascular health and immunity.

Zinc Doses

Zinc is always best tolerated when taken with food, especially protein.

Many people may benefit from supplemental zinc, but it is always best when taken in balance with other minerals and nutrients. Doses should be moderate to avoid depletion of copper.

Typical doses used in supplements are 10-20 mg per day.

8. Herbs for Heart Disease

Herbs can be useful to add to your healthy lifestyle.

I like to think of medicinal herbs and medicinal mushrooms as intelligent in our body, by helping correct imbalances and targeting what is needed. The herbs I list below are generally safe, but should always be reviewed with your healthcare provider.

Herbs can help regulate and balance. The most popular herbs and nutritional compounds for heart disease include:

Hawthorne berries increase blood flow to the heart and improve outcomes in heart failure patients.

Garlic–reduces blood pressure

Berberine reduces blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol 

Tulsi supports weight loss, and glucose management, and reduces inflammation and asthma symptoms 

Turmeric reduces inflammation in the body

Medicinal mushrooms–by balancing immunity and possibly lowering cholesterol, medicinal mushrooms support heart health.

Resveratrol– has anti-aging effects, may reduce blood glucose, and blood pressure, supports healthy artery function, decreases arterial stiffness, and more.

Supplement Risks

Supplements listed here are generally safe. While safe for healthy people, some supplements interact with blood-thinning and other medications. Always check with your doctor or dietitian before starting any supplement routine.

Bottom Line

Heart health supplements help keep your body and heart strong and resilient. The supplements listed above all help get to the root cause of heart disease. 

Some supplements help treat vitamin deficiencies that are common today. Make sure to also eat a healthy diet to achieve the best heart health.

Read more: thehealthyrd.com/are-vitamins-g…








Here is the updated and refined version of the text, with additional context and clarity:以下是文本的更新和精炼版本,具有额外的上下文和清晰度:

The Hebrides Revival and Donald Trump's Spiritual Heritage赫布里底群岛的复兴和唐纳德·特朗普的精神遗产



搜索网络 补充 完善 重新生成文本 给予命名 【在1940 – 1950 年间,苏格兰赫布里底群岛曾出现伟大的属灵复兴。借着两位瞎眼、驼背的老妇人热忱持久的祷告,上帝之火首先降临到了苏格兰海岸边一个不起眼的小地方 – 路易斯岛,教堂里挤满了认罪悔改的人。人们听说了这件事,复兴之火蔓延开来。其中有一个名叫唐纳德·史密斯的年轻男孩得救了,并且为上帝所用,成长得很快。他的表姐、那两位老妇人的侄女,玛丽·安·史密斯·麦克劳德,移民美国。其第四子,唐纳德·川普后来成为美国第45任和第47任总统。那本经历了赫布里底大复兴的圣经出现在椭圆办公室里。上帝已经按照祂的旨意准备好了这个时刻,愿我们都能成为向上帝恳求的祷告者:抓住时机,让我们再次复兴!-- 这段在川普第一任内制作的视频,在今天向我们发出更加迫切的呼吁:蒙神怜悯,复兴的窗口再次有可能被打开,基督徒们,你们准备好昼夜不停的祷告了吗?抓住时机,为属灵复兴祷告!




  • 选项一: 祷告的伟力:从赫布里底群岛到白宫

  • 选项二: 复兴的呼声:川普背后的属灵故事

  • 选项三: 再次点燃复兴之火:向赫布里底群岛的祷告者学习

  • 选项四: 祷告能改变世界:一个家族的见证

  • 选项五: 历史的回声:苏格兰小岛的复兴与美国总统







  • 祷告的力量是无穷的: 两位年迈的姐妹,通过坚持不懈的祷告,改变了一个岛屿,甚至影响了美国的历史。

  • 复兴的火种可以从任何地方点燃: 不论你身处何处,只要怀着对上帝的渴慕,都可以成为复兴的参与者。

  • 神的时间是完美的: 祂在恰当的时机,将祂的计划成就。





  • 增加叙事性: 将事件描述得更加生动形象,增强故事的感染力。

  • 突出主题: 强调祷告的力量和复兴的重要性。

  • 强调行动: 呼吁读者参与到祷告中来。

  • 提供背景信息: 简要介绍赫布里底群岛和唐纳德·川普的背景,方便读者理解。

  • 增加灵性元素: 引用圣经经文或属灵原则,提升文章的深度。



  • 教会讲道: 作为讲道的素材,激励会众参与祷告。

  • 社交媒体分享: 鼓励更多人关注属灵复兴。

  • 文章投稿: 投稿到基督教刊物或网站。

  • 视频制作: 将文本转化为视频,扩大影响力。


Here is the updated and refined version of the text, with additional context and clarity:以下是文本的更新和精炼版本,具有额外的上下文和清晰度:


The Hebrides Revival and Donald Trump's Spiritual Heritage赫布里底群岛的复兴和唐纳德·特朗普的精神遗产

Between 1949 and 1952, the small islands of the Outer Hebrides, particularly the Isle of Lewis, witnessed a profound spiritual awakening, often referred to as the Hebrides Revival. This powerful movement was sparked by the persistent prayers of two elderly sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith, who were deeply burdened for the spiritual condition of their community. Despite their age and infirmities—Peggy was blind and Christine was hunchbacked—they fervently prayed for God to visit their island with revival.1949 年至 1952 年间,外赫布里底群岛的小岛屿,特别是刘易斯岛,见证了深刻的精神觉醒,通常被称为赫布里底群岛复兴。这场强有力的运动是由佩吉·史密斯和克里斯汀·史密斯这两位年长的姐妹坚持不懈的祈祷引发的,她们对社区的精神状况深感负担。尽管他们年老体弱——佩吉双目失明,克里斯汀驼背——但他们仍热切地祈求上帝降临他们的岛屿,带来复兴。

Their prayers were answered when Duncan Campbell, a preacher, arrived in the community, and the revival began to sweep through the island. The extraordinary nature of this revival is captured in numerous accounts of people being spontaneously drawn to prayer meetings, and even entire villages experiencing a deep conviction of sin. It was reported that people would leave their homes in the middle of the night to gather in prayer, while some were even convicted of their need for salvation before they arrived at church.当传教士邓肯·坎贝尔到达社区时,他们的祈祷得到了回应,复兴开始席卷全岛。这种复兴的非凡本质体现在许多人们自发地参加祈祷会的记载中,甚至整个村庄都经历了深深的罪孽感。据报道,人们会在半夜离开家聚集祈祷,有些人甚至在到达教堂之前就确信自己需要救赎。

One of the most remarkable stories is about a young man named Donald Smith, who was converted during the revival. He was one of many who experienced the powerful touch of God during that time, and his life was forever changed. Donald Smith's cousin, Mary Anne Smith MacLeod, emigrated from the Isle of Lewis to the United States, where she met and married Frederick Trump, a German immigrant. They had a son, Donald John Trump, who would go on to become the 45th and 47th President of the United States.最引人注目的故事之一是关于一位名叫唐纳德·史密斯的年轻人,他在复兴期间归信了。他是在那段时间经历了上帝强大触摸的众多人之一,他的生活被永远改变了。唐纳德·史密斯的表弟玛丽·安妮·史密斯·麦克劳德从刘易斯岛移民到美国,在那里她遇到了德国移民弗雷德里克·特朗普并与之结婚。他们有一个儿子唐纳德·约翰·特朗普,他后来成为美国第 45 任和第 47 任总统。

The connection between the Hebrides Revival and Donald Trump’s spiritual heritage is significant. It is often remarked that a Bible, believed to have been a part of the revival on the Isle of Lewis, later found its way to the Oval Office during Trump's presidency. This Bible, along with the legacy of revival, symbolized a call to prayer and spiritual renewal.赫布里底群岛复兴与唐纳德·特朗普的精神遗产之间的联系非常重要。人们经常说,一本被认为是刘易斯岛复兴运动一部分的《圣经》后来在特朗普担任总统期间进入了椭圆形办公室。这本圣经和复兴的遗产一起,象征着祈祷和精神更新的召唤。

This connection is underscored by the faith of those who prayed for revival during the 1940s and 1950s, and by the contemporary call for revival in the United States today. In a 2020 video, Dr. Clarence Sexton, a prominent pastor, made a powerful appeal to Christians to pray for revival in America. Drawing parallels between the Hebrides Revival and the spiritual needs of the nation, he reminded viewers of the biblical promise that God would hear the prayers of His people if they humbled themselves and sought His face (2 Chronicles 7:14).1940 年代和 1950 年代祈祷复兴的人们的信仰,以及当今美国对复兴的当代呼声都强调了这种联系。在 2020 年的一段视频中,著名牧师克拉伦斯·塞克斯顿博士强烈呼吁基督徒为美国的复兴祈祷。他将赫布里底群岛的复兴与国家的精神需求进行了比较,提醒观众圣经的应许:如果他的子民谦卑自己并寻求他的面,上帝就会听到他们的祈祷(历代志下7:14)。

As we look at the unfolding events in the world, there is a growing sense that the window for spiritual revival may once again be opening. Christians are being urged to pray fervently for the revival of the church and the healing of the land. It is a call to seize this moment, just as the people of the Hebrides did when God’s Spirit moved in a mighty way, transforming their communities and bringing countless souls to repentance.当我们审视世界上正在发生的事件时,我们越来越感觉到精神复兴的窗口可能会再次打开。基督徒被敦促热切地为教会的复兴和土地的治愈祈祷。这是一个抓住这个时刻的号召,就像赫布里底群岛的人民在上帝的灵以强大的方式运行时所做的那样,改变了他们的社区并让无数的灵魂悔改。

May this call to prayer remind us of our responsibility to intercede for the nations, and may the story of the Hebrides Revival continue to inspire a new generation to seek God’s face in the hope of experiencing another outpouring of His Spirit.愿这次祈祷提醒我们有责任为万民代求,愿赫布里底复兴的故事继续激励新一代寻求上帝的面,希望经历他圣灵的再次浇灌。

This version incorporates historical context and theological reflections on the significance of the Hebrides Revival and its connection to Donald Trump. The message calls Christians to prayer and highlights the need for spiritual revival today.这个版本结合了对赫布里底群岛复兴的意义及其与唐纳德·特朗普的联系的历史背景和神学反思。该信息呼吁基督徒祈祷,并强调当今精神复兴的必要性。


