事实上,正如许多健康专家所说,没有比食物更好的药物了。 这并不意味着药品没有时间和地点,但我们的社会在这方面基本上是落后的。 大多数人求助于医生,但医生很快就会转向药物,而往往从不提及食物。
为了找出为什么食物是药物,让我们把时间倒退到公元前 400 年左右。
希波克拉底被认为是医学之父,他创造了“让食物成为你的药物,让药物成为你的食物”的概念。 希波克拉底关于人体以及如何滋养人体的大部分智慧现在已经被科学证明。
您可能还记得所有医生都必须遵守的希波克拉底誓言,包括“首先不造成伤害”。 这意味着作为一个社会,我们也必须从治愈性食品中获益。
要回答现代意义上的食物是否是药物的问题,我们必须了解药物的定义。 只要查一下字典,你就会找到答案。
d:“用于治疗疾病以外的疾病的物质”。 例如,这可能是美洲印第安人的传统信仰。
那么我们先来看看什么是毒品。 药品或药物的定义来自 Dictionary.com:
不管 FDA 的最后声明如何,无论出于何种意图和目的,食品都是一种药物。
毕竟,我们可以定义影响我们自身健康的因素,而不是政府机构。 通过拥有自己的健康,我们可以更好地控制自己的活力。
我想到了食物、营养素和草药。 您可能缺乏食物中的营养,从而导致愈合受损。 相比之下,没有人曾经缺乏过某种药物。
我在研究生院花了 7 年时间,详细研究了体内食物的生理学,并用了 20 多年的时间。 直到今天,我仍然对我们的文化中食物和毒品如何如此分离感到困惑。
事实上,我想不出有一种疾病不受食物和营养的影响。 以下是我正在谈论的一些例子。
吃 健康的脂肪 可以显着降低患 冠心病 的风险。
根据临床研究,生酮饮食 可以有效治疗某些形式的 癫痫。
消除饮食 可以非常有效地找到 疾病的根源。 对于某些人来说,消除饮食几乎可以控制 多发性硬化症 的各个方面。 查看瓦尔斯博士的研究。
结肠炎 可以通过摄入 发酵食品 来控制。 例如,对于我的一位患者的结肠炎症状,每天吃酸菜和具有治疗作用的食物比任何药物都更有效。
身心联系是真实的。 我们吃的用来支持 微生物组的食物 对神经系统具有药用和镇静作用。 此外,在临床研究中,像 薰衣草 这样具有镇静作用的可食用植物可以将皮质醇降低 70%。
烹饪香草和香料 是我们主要的医学形式,直到 1920 年左右,亚伯拉罕·弗莱克斯纳 (Abraham Flexner) 霸道地停止了医学院的草药教学。他被大型制药公司的贪婪人士收买了。
生姜 对恶心的缓解作用与当今许多药物一样甚至更强。
普洱茶 有助于降低有害胆固醇水平,而胆固醇水平是导致心血管疾病的原因。
营养科学表明,甜菜 可以降低血压并提高运动表现。
许多研究表明,益生菌和益生菌食品可减轻 胃灼热和 胃酸反流疾病 的症状。
虽然这些只是几个例子,但我可以想到食物作为我们身体的药物的无数种方式。 现在是公共卫生部门收回关于如何使用医学营养方法最好地治愈我们的身体的叙述的时候了。
If you have any doubt about the use of food as medicine, consider this: Food is the original medicine.
In fact, there is no better medicine than food as many health experts argue. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a time and place for pharmaceuticals, but our society has it mostly backward. Most people turn to a doctor, who quickly turns to a drug and often never mentions food.
This is a tragic path of ignoring the building blocks of our bodies-our food and nutrients.
Food as Medicine History
In order to find out why food is medicine, let’s take a step back in time to about 400 B.C.
If you are wondering who said food is medicine first, it was Hippocrates this far back.
Hippocrates is considered the Father of Medicine and he coined the concept “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Much of Hippocrates’s wisdom about the human body and how to nourish it now has been proven by science.
You may recall the Hippocratic oath that all doctors must obey, including “first do no harm.” This means we must, as a society, also reap the health benefits of healing foods.
To answer the question of whether or not food is medicine in modern terms, we must understand the definition of medicine. Look no further than the dictionary and you will find the answer.
Food as Medicine Definition
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of medicine is:
a: “a substance used to treat a disease”
b: “something that affects well-being”
c: “the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease”
d: “A substance used to treat something other than disease”. This can be a traditional American Indian belief, for example.
Let me repeat that: medicine is something that “affects our well-being”.
Not even the biggest critics of natural food movements and herbal therapies could argue that food is something that does not affect our health.
I think the sticking point for many is that some people, including some doctors, believe that only pharmaceuticals are drugs.
So let’s check out what a drug is. A pharmaceutical or a drug is by definition from Dictionary.com:
“a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication.”
“a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.”
According to Wikipedia, the definition of a drug:
“A drug is anything that can change your physiology or psychology when consumed”
The FDA further distinguishes the definition of a drug:
“a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body.”
Regardless of this last FDA statement, for all intents and purposes, food serves as a medicine.
After all, we get to define what affects our own health, not a governmental agency. By owning our health, we gain more control of our own vitality.
The Journey to Healing Includes Food as Medicine
When thinking of the concept of healing, do you think of pharmaceuticals or food?
I think of food, nutrients, and herbs. You can be deficient in nutrients from foods, and this results in impaired healing. In contrast, no one was ever deficient in a drug.
I spent 7 years studying in great detail the physiology of foods in the body in graduate school and 20+ years beyond that. Still to this day, I’m puzzled by how food and drugs were so separated in our culture.
Many promising nutrition research papers even got passed off as nutrition quackery by those who don’t read nutrition research.
Rather than cast these studies off, I am here to share with you how food is medicine.
Food as Medicine Examples
Recall that the definition of medicine in the dictionary is anything that is used to treat disease.
Food as medicine is not only necessary for good health, it is useful in preventing chronic illness and helping treat disease, according to the World Health Organization.
Our food choices impact just about every disease outcome out there today.
In fact, I can’t think of a disease NOT impacted by food and nutrition. Here are some examples of what I am talking about.
Eating healthy fats can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease risk dramatically.
A ketogenic diet can effectively treat some forms of epilepsy, according to clinical research.
Elimination diets can be very effective at getting to the root cause of illness. An elimination diet manages almost every aspect of multiple sclerosis for some people. Check out Dr. Wahls’s research.
Colitis can be managed by the inclusion of fermented foods. For example, eating sauerkraut daily and healing foods worked better than any drug for one of my patient’s colitis symptoms.
Mind-body connections are real. Foods we eat to support our microbiome have a medicinal and calming effect on the nervous system. Additionally, edible plants that calm the mind like lavender can decrease cortisol by 70 percent in clinical research.
Culinary herbs and spices were our primary form of medicine until one man, Abraham Flexner, highhandedly stopped the teachings of herbs in medical schools in about 1920. He was paid off by the greedy people that spearheaded Big Pharma.
Ginger helps nausea as much or more than many medicines today.
Puerh tea helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels which is a contributor to cardiovascular disease.
Nutrition science shows that beets reduce blood pressure and improve exercise performance.
Many research studies show that probiotics and probiotic foods reduce heartburn and acid reflux disease symptoms.
While these are just a few examples, I can think of countless ways that food is medicine in our bodies. It’s time for public health to take back its narrative of how we best heal our bodies using a medical nutrition approach.
Healthy food goes a long way to healing, in other words.