




  1. 睡眠时间切勿少于7小时: 高质量的睡眠对于睾酮的产生至关重要。你的身体在睡眠时会生成睾酮,所以休息是不可或缺的。

  2. 避免超过500卡路里的热量赤字: 超过500卡路里的热量赤字会让你的身体进入生存模式,阻碍睾酮的产生。这个规则主要适用于高体脂者;如果你的体脂低于20%,热量赤字应保持在200-300卡路里之间。

  3. 每天出去一次,哪怕只是一小会儿: 阳光照射和增加的身体活动可以提升睾酮水平。外出还有助于改善心理健康,减少抑郁和肥胖。

  4. 80%的时间吃营养丰富的食物: 胃容量有限,需要优先摄取富含维生素和矿物质的食物,尤其是在减少热量摄入时。遵循饮食指南,选择营养密集的食物。

  5. 除非确实需要,否则切勿服用补充剂: 唯一推荐的补充剂是维生素D3(适合长期缺乏阳光的人)、肌酸(经过充分研究)和硼(自然获得较难)。许多补充剂的生物利用度较低,天然食物来源更为可取。

  6. 每周至少锻炼3次: 全身锻炼每周三次即可显著提升睾酮水平。重点是进行适度高强度的锻炼,且不要忽视腿部锻炼。

  7. 增强你的男子气概: 参与增强传统技能的活动,例如学习战斗、修理东西和在野外导航。拥抱这些技能可以提升自信和睾酮水平。

  8. 吃十字花科蔬菜: 这些蔬菜可以对抗来自塑料和其他污染物中的雌激素模拟物。它们对于解毒和支持睾酮水平至关重要。

  9. 尽量减少压力和皮质醇水平: 慢性压力和氧化应激会损害睾酮水平。制定有效的压力管理策略,以保护你的睾酮。

  10. 定期参加比赛: 竞赛活动(无论是体力还是智力,如国际象棋)可以暂时激增睾酮水平。频繁的竞争可以提高你的睾酮基线。

欲了解更多信息,请访问 SciSpace


  1. 哪些食物可以自然提高睾酮水平?

  2. 运动如何影响睾酮的产生?

  3. 有效的压力管理技巧有哪些,可以保持高睾酮水平?

The 10 Commandments for Boosting Testosterone You Should Never Break

  1. Never Get Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for testosterone production. Your body generates testosterone while you sleep, making rest non-negotiable.

  2. Avoid Exceeding a 500-Calorie Deficit: A caloric deficit larger than 500 calories triggers survival mode in your body, hindering testosterone production. This rule primarily applies to those with higher body fat; if your body fat is below 20%, keep your deficit between 200-300 calories.

  3. Go Outside Daily, Even Briefly: Exposure to sunlight and increased physical activity boosts testosterone. Being outdoors also has mental health benefits, combating depression and obesity.

  4. Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods 80% of the Time: Limited stomach space means prioritizing foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially when cutting calories. Follow dietary guides that highlight top nutrient-dense foods.

  5. Avoid Supplements Unless Absolutely Necessary: The only recommended supplements are Vitamin D3 (for those with limited sun exposure), creatine (well-researched), and boron (hard to obtain naturally). Many supplements lack bioavailability, making natural food sources preferable.

  6. Exercise at Least 3 Times a Week: Full-body workouts three times a week can significantly boost testosterone. Focus on intense, but not excessive, exercise and don't skip leg day.

  7. Enhance Your Masculinity: Engage in activities that reinforce traditional skills such as fighting, fixing things, and navigating nature. Embrace these skills to bolster confidence and testosterone.

  8. Consume Cruciferous Vegetables: These vegetables combat estrogen-mimicking chemicals found in plastics and other pollutants. They are essential for detoxifying the body and supporting testosterone levels.

  9. Minimize Stress and Cortisol Levels: Chronic stress and oxidative stress harm testosterone levels. Develop effective stress management strategies to protect your testosterone.

  10. Regularly Engage in Competition: Competitive activities, physical or mental like chess, can temporarily spike testosterone levels. Frequent competition can elevate your baseline testosterone over time.

For further insights, explore more on SciSpace.

Users also ask these questions:

  1. What foods naturally boost testosterone levels?

  2. How does exercise influence testosterone production?

  3. What are effective stress management techniques to maintain high testosterone?



  1. 保证充足睡眠:每天至少7小时。

  2. 合理饮食:避免摄入不足500卡路里的食物。

  3. 每天外出:即使只是短时间。

  4. 营养丰富的饮食:80%的时间吃营养丰富的食物。

  5. 谨慎使用补充剂:除非必要,否则不建议使用。

  6. 定期锻炼:每周至少3次。

  7. 增强男子气概:学习实用技能。

  8. 多吃十字花科蔬菜:对抗环境中的雌激素。

  9. 减少压力:控制皮质醇水平。

  10. 参加竞争:定期参与竞争活动。




  1. 锻炼:重量训练和高强度间歇训练(HIIT)可以促进睾酮分泌。特别是复合动作(如深蹲、硬拉和卧推)对于激活多个肌肉群和提高睾酮水平非常有效。

  2. 足够的睡眠:睡眠不足会影响睾酮水平。确保每晚获得足够的休息。

  3. 控制压力:长期压力会导致皮质醇升高,从而降低睾酮水平。尝试放松技巧,如冥想、深呼吸和瑜伽。

  4. 饮食:摄入足够的脂肪,特别是健康的脂肪,如橄榄油、坚果和鱼油。维生素D和锌也对睾酮产生影响,所以确保膳食中含有足够的这些营养素。

  5. 避免过度饮酒:过量饮酒会影响睾酮水平。适度饮酒或戒酒可能对睾酮有益。

  6. 避免过度减肥:极端的饮食和快速减肥可能会降低睾酮水平。保持适度的体重和健康的饮食习惯。





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