

高尿酸?你可能不知道的几个事实 | Something You Need to Know About Hyperuricemia

 高尿酸?你可能不知道的几个事实 | Something You Need to Know About Hyperuricemia


高尿酸的隐患 | The Hidden Dangers of Hyperuricemia


Hyperuricemia refers to an elevated level of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a byproduct of purine metabolism, typically excreted by the kidneys. However, when uric acid production is excessive or excretion is impaired, it can accumulate in the body, forming crystals and leading to various health issues. While hyperuricemia is often associated with gout, its effects go beyond this. Here are some facts you might not know:

1. 高尿酸可能导致肾结石 | Hyperuricemia May Lead to Kidney Stones


Hyperuricemia can lead to the formation of kidney stones, in addition to causing gout. Uric acid crystals can easily deposit in the kidneys, forming stones and potentially leading to severe kidney disease. Regular monitoring of uric acid levels and maintaining adequate hydration can help prevent kidney stones.

2. 高尿酸与心血管疾病的关联 | Link Between Hyperuricemia and Cardiovascular Diseases


Studies have shown a correlation between elevated uric acid levels and cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. Hyperuricemia may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases by inducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Therefore, managing uric acid levels is crucial for heart health.

3. 饮食对高尿酸的影响 | Dietary Impact on Hyperuricemia


Diet plays a significant role in managing hyperuricemia. Foods high in purines, such as red meat, seafood, and sugary drinks, can increase uric acid levels. Additionally, alcohol, especially beer, can significantly raise uric acid concentrations. Limiting these foods can help control hyperuricemia.

4. 自然疗法的潜力 | Potential of Natural Remedies


In addition to pharmacological treatment, some natural remedies have been effective in lowering uric acid levels. For instance, cherries and vitamin C have been studied for their uric acid-lowering effects. Maintaining a moderate weight and regular exercise also support uric acid metabolism and excretion.

5. 预防比治疗更重要 | Prevention is Better Than Cure


Preventing hyperuricemia-related diseases is more important than treating them. A healthy diet, proper exercise, and regular medical check-ups can effectively prevent hyperuricemia and its complications. Monitoring uric acid levels and taking early intervention measures are key to maintaining long-term health.

博客结语 | Conclusion:


Hyperuricemia is a health issue that requires attention, and its impact goes beyond gout. With proper lifestyle changes and necessary medical interventions, the health risks associated with hyperuricemia can be controlled and prevented. Maintaining healthy uric acid levels is beneficial not only for joint health but also for cardiovascular health.

参考文献 | References:

Whole Health Care. (2024). "高尿酸?你可能不知道的几个事实 | Something You Need to Know About Hyperuricemia." YouTube Video.

This bilingual blog post aims to inform both Chinese and English-speaking clinicians and patients about the lesser-known aspects of hyperuricemia, emphasizing the importance of prevention and management through diet, lifestyle, and natural remedies.



  1. 高尿酸血症的原因:高尿酸血症可以由尿酸生成过多或排泄减少引起。饮食中嘌呤含量高、肥胖、酒精摄入过多、某些药物(如噻嗪类利尿剂)等都可能导致尿酸水平升高12

  2. 症状和并发症:虽然许多高尿酸血症患者没有明显症状,但它可能导致痛风、肾结石和肾功能不全等问题34

  3. 预防和管理:控制饮食、保持健康体重、适量运动和避免过量饮酒是预防高尿酸血症的重要措施。药物治疗如非布司他和别嘌醇也可以帮助控制尿酸水平12

  4. 流行病学:在中国,高尿酸血症的患病率逐年上升,已成为仅次于糖尿病的第二大代谢性疾病2

1: 维基百科 2: 中国高尿酸血症相关疾病诊疗多学科专家共识(2023) 3: Mayo Clinic 4: 人民网

高尿酸?你可能不知道的几个事实 Something you need to know about hyperuricemia

Whole Health Care 全优健康






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