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Hello,Delivery unsuccessful attempt notification on February 6th, 2019 , 10:13 AM.The shipping failed due to the fact that no one was present at the delivery address, so this notice has been automatically sent. You can rearrange shipping by seeing the nearest USPS location with the printed shipping invoice provided down below. In case the package is NOT scheduled for redelivery within 48 hours, it will be to the sender.To find out more about Delivery, please go to the Delivery FAQs.
Hi,Package delivery attempt fail notification on February 6th, 2019 , 09:22 AM.The shipping was unsuccessful because nobody was present at the shipping address, so this notice has been automatically sent. You can rearrange shipping by visiting your nearest USPS with the printed invoice mentioned down below. If the parcel is NOT arranged for redelivery in 72 hrs, it will be shipped back to the shipper.To learn a lot more about Shipping and delivery, visit the Delivery Guidelines .
You are already integrated. Not on the periphery—on the periphery there is much turmoil. You are fragmented on the periphery. Move inwards, and the deeper you go, the more you will find that you are integrated. There comes a point, at the very innermost shrine of your being, where you suddenly find you are a unity, absolute unity. So it is a question of discovering. How to discover it?
I would like to give a technique. It is a very simple technique, but in the beginning it looks very hard. If you try, you will find it is simple. The technique is: only do that which you enjoy. If you don't enjoy, don't do it. Try it—because enjoyment comes only from your center. If you are doing something and you enjoy it, you start getting reconnected from the center. If you do something which you don't enjoy, you are disconnected from the center. Joy arises from the center, and from nowhere else. So let it be a criterion, and be a fanatic about it.
You are walking on the road; suddenly you recognize that you are not enjoying the walk. Stop. Finished—this is not to be done.
I used to do it in my university days, and people thought that I was crazy. Suddenly I would stop, and then I would remain in that spot for half an hour, an hour, unless I started enjoying walking again. My professors were so afraid that when there were examinations they would put me in a car and take me to the university hall. They would leave me at the door and wait there: had I reached to my desk or not? If I was taking my bath and suddenly I realized I was not enjoying it, I would stop. What is the point then? If I was eating and I recognized suddenly that I was not enjoying, then I would stop.
I had joined the mathematics class in my high school. The first day, I went in and the teacher was just introducing the subject. In the middle I stood up and tried to walk out. He said. "Where are you going? Without asking, I won't allow you in again." I said, "I'm not coming back again; don't be worried. That's why I am not asking. Finished—I am not enjoying it! I will find some other subject which I can enjoy, because if I cannot enjoy it I am not going to do it. It is torture. it is violence."
And, by and by, it became a key. I suddenly recognized that whenever you are enjoying something, you are centered. Enjoyment is just the sound of being centered ...
The center is available when you are warm, when you are flowing, melting, in love, in joy, in dance, in delight. It is up to you. Just go on doing only those things which you really love to do and you enjoy. If you don't enjoy, stop. Find something else that you will enjoy. There is bound to be something that you will enjoy.
I have never come across a person who cannot enjoy anything. There are persons who may not enjoy one thing, then another, then another, but life is vast. Don't remain engaged; become floating. Let there be more streaming of energy. Let it flow, let it meet with other energies that surround you. Soon you will be able to see that the problem was not how to become integrated, the problem was that you have forgotten how to flow. In a flowing energy, you are suddenly integrated …
The secret is: that there be something that you have started to enjoy. That's the whole secret. A painter may be hungry and painting, and still you can see that his face is so contented. A poet may' be poor, but when he is singing his song he is the richest man in the world. Nobody is more rich than him. What is the secret of it? The secret is: he is enjoying this moment. Whenever you enjoy something, you are in tune with yourself and you are in tune with the universe—because your center is the center of all.
与一个女人或一个男人的亲密关系比拥有许多肤浅的关系更好。爱不是季节性的花;需要数年才能成长。只有当它成长时,它超越了生物学,才开始有一些精神内容。只要有很多女人或许多男人会让你表面上的娱乐可能,但表面; 当然占领了,但这种占领并不会帮助内向增长。但是一个一对一的关系,一个持续的关系,让你彼此更密切的了解是非常有益的。
跟一个女人或男人保持亲密关系,好过有很多肤浅的关系。爱不是一株季节性的花朵,它需要花很多年来成长。只有当它成长了,它才能超越生物性,开始孕育出灵性。跟很多女人或很多男人在一起,只会让你肤浅 - 你可能很欢愉,却很肤浅;你当然会很忙碌,但是这种忙碌对内在的成长起不到任何作用然而,一对一的关系,一段持久的关系,是极为有益的,这样你就能更近距离的了解彼此。
如果你有这么多的关系,你将不诚实,你会不断地躺着。你必须说谎,你必须不诚实,你必须说出你不意味的事情。他们都会怀疑。如果您有其他关系,与女性建立信任是非常困难的。一个男人很容易欺骗,因为他通过智力生活; 欺骗一个女人是非常困难的,几乎是不可能的,因为她直视生活。你不能直视她的眼睛 - 你会害怕她可能会开始读你的灵魂。而且你隐藏了这么多的欺骗,这么多的不诚实。
如果你有很多关系,你就会不诚实,你会不停的撒谎。你必须撒谎,你必须不真诚,你必须心口不一。他们全都会怀疑你。如果你有很多别的关系,要跟一个女人建立信任是非常难的欺骗男人容易,因为他依靠的是智力;要欺骗女人非常困难,几乎不可能,因为她依靠直觉你会无法直视她的眼睛 - 你会害怕,她或许会读出你的心思。你隐藏着这么多的谎言,这么多的不诚实。
那女人变成你的镜子,那人变成你的镜子 另一个反映你的脸。但是,如果你身边有这么多的镜子,你正在从一个镜子跑到另一个镜子,欺骗每一个镜子,你会混乱,你会坚定的。
摘自From:OSHO THE BOOK OF THE BOOKS,Vol。七(该书无中文版)