


Jessica Rojas



Shared by ~Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD- "For the record and for those of you who haven’t been around as long as I have, here goes... “For my entire career as a physician, I have attempted to educate my patients and my community about issues that were not mainstream at all at the time. Examples: routine circumcision, over diagnosis of DCIS from mammograms, the need for DHA fats for brain health in infants that is in breast milk and was not in baby formula until the last few decades, the need to supplement with folic acid in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects, the fact that HPV is cleared naturally by the body 90% of the time, the role of optimal levels of vitamin D, and the fact that hormones not native to the female body (like Provera) have untoward effects that can be dangerous and that there are far safer alternatives for menopausal relief. “My position on vaccines hasn’t changed in 40 years. I advocate optimal immunity and all the ways we can improve it, not by ever increasing numbers of vaccines (now up to 72 by age 18 according to the CDC schedule). Congress excused vaccine manufacturers from all liability back in 1986. No other industry has ever had this unquestioned support to do whatever they want without adequate testing or oversight. The CDC recommended number of vaccines has tripled since then. And the CDC is paid millions by vaccine manufacturers to promote them. It is NOT an unbiased organization at all. Most people don’t know this. And since then, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) (VAERS) has paid out over $4 billion dollars to families of vaccine-injured children. This organization reports that only about 1 % of vaccine injuries are EVER reported. Why are we so quick to dismiss the suffering of those who have been harmed by vaccines? And vilify those of us who question their safety ... especially at the current rate? “Read the package inserts on vaccine ingredients and the potential adverse effects. It is all right there in plain sight. And none have ever been studied in combination or cumulatively. Yet infants are being given 5-11 at one time! My home state of Maine, like so many others, is about to hear a bill making many vaccines mandatory for school, day care, etc. Yet there hasn’t been a single case of measles reported here (except one Canadian visitor) in 17 years.This narrative—that we’re all about to die from a major epidemic—is being drive by fear and also huge amounts of money being paid to push the Pharma agenda. And for the record, China has a 99% vaccination rate. Yet they, like the United States , have pockets of measles outbreaks. 26,000 cases reported in one study. “Why? Because no vaccine is 100% effective. Lifetime immunity from getting a disease is entirely different. You are protected for life. When it comes to measles, mumps, etc, evidence shows that vaccines don’t give you lifetime immunity. I believe this is connected to the fact that more than 50% of children in the US now have a chronic disease. All these vaccines have messed up our natural immunity. And studies have verified... “Back in the late 80s and early 90s, women were banned from some doctors’ practices if they refused to take conventional hormone replacement. The belief that hormones were the key to heart disease prevention was so strong that doctors pushed it on everyone. (And the Pharma position was huge then too). If you questioned the narrative, you were shamed. The huge women’s health initiative changed all that, however, when a well designed study FINALLY showed that when Premarin and Provera were used for hormone replacement, the risks outweighed the benefits. We need these same kinds of studies with individual vaccines. They are not likely to be done given the current political and medical climate. But simply pointing this truth out is now increasingly being censored.” ~Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD

分享者 ~Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD-


“在我作为医生的整个职业生涯中,我一直试图教育我的病人和我的社区,让他们了解当时根本不主流的问题。例如:常规包皮环切术,从乳房 X 光检查中过度诊断 DCIS,需要 DHA 脂肪来促进婴儿的大脑健康,这些脂肪存在于母乳中,直到最近几十年才出现在婴儿配方奶粉中,怀孕期间需要补充叶酸以防止神经管缺陷,HPV 在 90% 的时间内被身体自然清除, 最佳维生素 D 水平的作用,以及非女性身体原生的激素(如 Provera)具有可能危险的不良影响,并且有更安全的替代品来缓解更年期。 

“我对疫苗的立场40年来没有改变。我提倡最佳免疫力以及我们可以改善免疫力的所有方法,而不是通过不断增加疫苗数量(根据 CDC 的时间表,到 18 岁时,现在可达到 72 种)。早在1986年,国会就免除了疫苗制造商的所有责任。没有其他行业在没有充分测试或监督的情况下获得这种无可置疑的支持,可以做任何他们想做的事。从那时起,疾病预防控制中心推荐的疫苗数量增加了两倍。疫苗制造商向疾病预防控制中心支付了数百万美元来推广它们。它根本不是一个公正的组织。大多数人都不知道这一点。从那时起,疫苗不良事件报告系统(VAERS)已向疫苗受伤儿童的家庭支付了超过40亿美元。该组织报告说,只有大约 1% 的疫苗伤害被报告过。为什么我们如此迅速地忽视那些受到疫苗伤害的人的痛苦?并诽谤我们这些质疑他们安全的人......尤其是以目前的速度?

“阅读有关疫苗成分和潜在不良反应的包装说明书。一切都在众目睽睽之下。而且从来没有被组合或累积研究过。然而,婴儿一次被给予 5-11 个! 我的家乡缅因州和许多其他州一样,即将听到一项法案,该法案规定学校、日托等必须接种许多疫苗。然而,17年来,这里没有报告过一例麻疹病例(除了一名加拿大游客)。这种说法——我们都即将死于一场重大流行病——是由恐惧和巨额资金驱动的,以推动制药业的议程。根据记录,中国 的疫苗接种率为99%。然而,他们和美国一样 ,也有麻疹爆发的零星地区。一项研究报告了 26,000 例病例。

“为什么?因为没有疫苗是 100% 有效的。终生对疾病的免疫力是完全不同的。您将终生受到保护。当涉及到麻疹、流行性腮腺炎等时,有证据表明疫苗不会给你带来终生免疫力。我认为这与美国现在超过50%的儿童患有慢性病有关。所有这些疫苗都扰乱了我们的自然免疫力。研究已经证实......

“早在 80 年代末和 90 年代初,如果女性拒绝接受传统的激素替代治疗,她们就会被禁止进入一些医生的诊所。荷尔蒙是预防心脏病的关键的信念是如此强烈,以至于医生们把它强加给每个人。(当时制药公司的地位也很大)。如果你质疑叙述,你会感到羞耻。然而,当一项精心设计的研究最终表明,当 Premarin 和 Provera 用于激素替代时,风险大于益处,巨大的女性健康倡议改变了这一切。我们需要对个别疫苗进行相同类型的研究。鉴于目前的政治和医疗环境,它们不太可能完成。但仅仅指出这个事实现在正越来越多地受到审查。 ~Christiane Northrup 博士,医学博士




   15个改善肠道健康的秘诀:远离肠道问题 标题: 肠道健康秘诀大全:远离肠道问题,拥有健康体魄 简介: 想拥有健康的肠道吗?这份15个秘诀清单涵盖饮食、生活方式和营养补充等方面, 帮助您改善肠道健康,远离肠道问题,拥抱健康生活。 1  帖子原文George Ferman...

