

结直肠癌:千禧一代和 Z 世代需要了解什么

结直肠癌:千禧一代和 Z 世代需要了解什么 

NEW ARTICLE: Turbo Colon Cancer - Two Australian sisters in their 30s get Colon Cancer - no family history and no genetic predisposition - Turbo Colon Cancers under the age 40 - Yale Medicine issues warning in Jan.2024 Yale Medicine has just issued a warning to young people: Jan.17, 2024 - "Colorectal Cancer: What Millennials and Gen Zers Need to Know - Yale Medicine doctors warn that people as young as age 20 need to be aware of the warning signs."Nobody in their 20s, 30s or 40s gets colorectal cancer, right? Wrong. The truth is that colorectal cancer is on the rise in young adults and has been for years. That’s why Yale Medicine surgeons who treat it are urging people younger than 45—even College students—to talk to their doctors about any suspicious symptoms, such as constipation, rectal bleeding, or sudden changes in bowel movements.” “Yale Medicine Colon & Rectal Surgery doctors report seeing young patients with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer more often. They diagnosed colon cancer in a father of four in his 30s who thought for months that his rectal bleeding was caused by hemorrhoids. There was one week when all of the seven patients the practice saw who were diagnosed with rectal cancer were young; the oldest was 35. The youngest colorectal cancer patient diagnosed at this location in recent months was 18.” “We are seeing a clear uptick in colorectal cancer in younger generations,” says Haddon Pantel, MD, a Yale Medicine colorectal surgeon. This is how they’re normalizing mRNA Induced Turbo Colon Cancers in young people ages < 40. It is well established that Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause aggressive cancers called "Turbo Cancer". Colon cancer is in the top 5 most common Turbo Cancers. The others are lymphoma, brain cancer, breast and lung cancer I present 20 recent cases of Turbo Colon Cancer in people less than 40 years old (youngest is 21 years old) Article Link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL in the photo at the top, into your browser to access #DiedSuddenly
新文章:涡轮结肠癌 - 两名 30 多岁的澳大利亚姐妹患结肠癌 - 无家族史,无遗传倾向 - 40 岁以下的涡轮结肠癌 - 耶鲁大学医学于 2024 年 1 月发出警告 耶鲁大学医学刚刚向年轻人发出警告: 2024 年 1 月 17 日 - “结直肠癌:千禧一代和 Z 世代需要了解什么 - 耶鲁大学医学院的医生警告说,20 岁的年轻人需要意识到这些警告信号。” “20 多岁、30 多岁或 40 多岁的人都不会患结直肠癌,对吗?错误的。事实上,结直肠癌在年轻人中的发病率呈上升趋势,并且这种情况已经持续多年。这就是为什么耶鲁大学医学院治疗该病的外科医生敦促 45 岁以下的人——甚至是大学生——与医生讨论任何可疑症状,例如便秘、直肠出血或排便突然变化。” “耶鲁大学医学结肠和直肠外科医生报告说,年轻患者更常被诊断出结直肠癌。他们诊断出一位 30 多岁、四个孩子的父亲患有结肠癌,他几个月来一直认为自己的直肠出血是由痔疮引起的。有一个星期,该诊所接诊的 7 名被诊断患有直肠癌的患者全部都是年轻人。最大的35岁。最近几个月在该地点诊断出的最年轻的结直肠癌患者只有18岁。” “我们发现年轻一代的结直肠癌发病率明显上升,”耶鲁大学医学院结直肠外科医生哈登·潘特尔医学博士说。 这就是他们在 40 岁以下的年轻人中使 mRNA 诱导的快速结肠癌正常化的方法。 众所周知,辉瑞和 Moderna COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗会导致被称为“涡轮癌”的侵袭性癌症。 结肠癌是最常见的 5 种涡轮癌之一。其他是淋巴瘤、脑癌、乳腺癌和肺癌 我介绍了最近 20 例 40 岁以下人群的涡轮结肠癌病例(最小的是 21 岁) 照片中的文章链接以避免影子禁令,只需在浏览器中重新输入顶部照片中的 URL 即可访问 @HighWireTalk @ClaytonMorris @TheChiefNerd @thevivafrei @TuckerCarlson @joerogan #DiedSuddenly




  烟酰胺(维生素B3):逆转皮肤和头发衰老的神奇成分 链接: 推文链接 烟酰胺,又称维生素B3,是一种强效的皮肤和头发修复成分。随着年龄的增长,皮肤和头发的健康状况往往会下降,出现皱纹、松弛、色斑、脱发等问题。现代研究表明,烟酰胺不仅能够显著改善这些衰老迹象,还能支持细胞能量代...


