



erogers77  埃罗杰斯77


3 years ago

Thank you for this report on the Med Beds. I came across another video on Med Beds this year. I had not heard about such technology until I saw that video. According to the video, there are three different Med Beds and they all have their specific functions. There may be more but at this time, all I am aware of are the three that were talked about in the video I watched (Quantum Energy Healing Med Beds System @ https://rumble.com/ve25vl-quantum-energy-healing-med-beds-system.html).

I am hoping all the children and others who are being rescued in these different tunnels around the world will have immediate access to these Med Beds to heal them physically and emotionally. It is my understanding that these Med Beds will help those with PTSD.

If you have any links to articles, pictures, etc. on these Med Beds and other technology that we may check out, it would be most appreciated.

Thank you for this report and have a great day,

Eddie Rogers, Minister, D.D.


感谢您对医疗床的报道。今年我在 Med Beds 上看到了另一个视频。在我看到那个视频之前,我从未听说过这种技术。视频显示,共有三种不同的医疗床,它们都有其特定的功能。可能还有更多,但此时,我所知道的只是我观看的视频中谈到的三个(量子能量治疗医疗床系统@ https://rumble.com/ve25vl-quantum-energy-healing-医疗床系统.html)。




埃迪·罗杰斯 (Eddie Rogers),部长,D.D.



About Med Beds and Quantum Energy Healing

关于Med Beds和Quantum Energy Healing

The concept of "Med Beds" and their potential applications, particularly in the context of quantum energy healing, has gained attention in certain circles. According to a video referenced by erogers77, there are three different Med Beds, each with specific functions. These beds are purported to have the potential to aid in physical and emotional healing, including helping individuals with PTSD. The hope is that individuals rescued from various tunnels around the world will have immediate access to these Med Beds for healing purposes 1.

“医疗床”的概念及其潜在应用,特别是在量子能量治疗的背景下,在某些圈子里引起了人们的关注。根据 erogers77 引用的视频,有三种不同的 Med Beds,每种都有特定的功能。据称,这些床有可能帮助身体和情感康复,包括帮助患有创伤后应激障碍的人。希望从世界各地各种隧道中获救的个人能够立即使用这些医疗床进行治疗 1.

Additional Information and Links


Eddie Rogers, in the provided post, expressed interest in accessing more information, such as articles, pictures, and other technology related to Med Beds. While the specific details of the technology and its availability may vary, it's clear that there is a desire for further exploration of this topic. Unfortunately, the provided post does not contain direct links to additional resources or articles on Med Beds and related technologies.

埃迪·罗杰斯(Eddie Rogers)在提供的帖子中表示有兴趣访问更多信息,例如与Med Beds相关的文章,图片和其他技术。虽然该技术的具体细节及其可用性可能会有所不同,但很明显,人们希望进一步探索这一主题。不幸的是,提供的帖子不包含指向有关 Med Beds 和相关技术的其他资源或文章的直接链接。

Given the interest in this topic, it may be beneficial to explore reputable sources or forums that discuss advancements in medical technology, quantum healing, and related fields to find more information and resources on Med Beds and similar technologies.

鉴于对这个话题的兴趣,探索讨论医疗技术、量子治疗和相关领域进步的信誉良好的资源或论坛,以查找有关 Med Beds 和类似技术的更多信息和资源,可能会有所帮助。

If there are specific aspects of Med Beds or quantum energy healing that you would like to explore further, feel free to ask for more details or specific areas of interest!

如果您想进一步探索 Med Beds 或量子能量治疗的特定方面,请随时询问更多详细信息或感兴趣的特定领域!




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